2022: talks, visits

November 24, 2022 : "On the boundary at infinity for branching random walk". Talk at the probability seminar at the University of Turin, Turin.

September 6-9, 2022 : "Properties of first passage percolation in hostile environment". Invited talk at the workshop "Celebrating 50 years of Statistical research", University of Warwick, UK.

June 13-June 16, 2022 : "Competing first passage percolation on graphs". Talk at the "Third Italian meeting on Probability and Mathematical Statistics", Universita' di Bologna, Bologna.

June 08-June 12, 2022 : Research visit to Universita' Milano Bicocca, Milan.
Daniela Bertacchi.

May 10, 2022 : "First passage percolation and competition on graphs". Talk at the Giornata INdAM 2022, Universita' degli Studi Roma Tre, Rome.

May 4, 2022 : "Competing processes on hyperbolic non-amenable graphs". Talk at the Chilean probability seminar, Universidad de Chile, Santiago (Chile).

April 28-May 09, 2022 : Research visit to Universidad Andres Bello, Santiago (Chile).
Host: Amitai Linker.

March 24, 2022 : "Competing processes on hyperbolic non-amenable graphs". Talk at the UNC-Duke joint probability seminar, Chapel Hill, North Carolina (USA).

March 21-April 04, 2022 : Research visit to University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, (USA).
Host: Sayan Banerjee.