

    *   "First Passage Percolation in Hostile Environment with Recovery" (joint with Tom Garcia-Sanchez). 
Preprint available at:

    *   "Martin boundaries and asymptotic behavior of branching random walks" (joint with Daniela Bertacchi and Fabio Zucca). 
Preprint available at:

Published/Accepted works:

    *   "First passage percolation in hostile environment is not monotone" (joint with Alexandre Stauffer), Electronic Journal of Probability, Vol 29: pp. 1-42 (2024).
Preprint available at:
Link to journal version: EJP-1145.

    *   "On the boundary at infinity for branching random walk" (joint with Tom Hutchcroft), Electronic Communications in Probability, Vol. 28, paper no. 49, 1-12 (2023).
Preprint available at:

    *   "Abelian oil and water dynamics does not have an absorbing-state phase transition" (joint with Alexandre Stauffer and Lorenzo Taggi), Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 374 (2021), pp. 2733-2752. 
Preprint available at:

    *   "Coexistence of competing first passage percolation on hyperbolic graphs" (joint with Alexandre Stauffer), Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré, Vol. 57, No. 4, 2128–2164 (2021)
Preprint available at:

    *   "Coupling of Brownian motions in Banach spaces" (joint with Wilfrid S. Kendall), Electronic Communications in Probability, Vol. 23 (2018), no. 9, pp. 1-13.  Preprint available at:
Link to journal version:

    *   "Percolation and isoperimetry on roughly transitive graphs"  (joint with Augusto Teixeira), Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré, Vol. 54, No. 4, 1819–1847 (2018).  Preprint available at:
Link to journal:

    *   "Oil and water: a two-type internal aggregation model" (joint with Shirshendu Ganguly, Christopher Hoffman, and Lionel Levine), Annals of Probability, Volume 45, Number 6A (2017), 4019-4070.
Preprint available at:

    *   "Bootstrap percolation and the geometry of complex networks"  (joint with Nikolaos Fountoulakis), Stochastic Processes and their Applications 126, pp. 234-264 (2016) .
Preprint available at:

    *   "The number of ends of critical branching random walks" (joint with Matthew Roberts), Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics (ALEA), 2 (1), 55-67 (2015).
Link to published version:
Preprint available at:

    *   "Clustering in Random Geometric Graphs on the hyperbolic Plane" (joint with Nikolaos Fountoulakis), Internet Mathematics, Vol. 12, no. 1-2, pp 2-53 (2016).
Preprint available at:

    *   An extended astract of "Clustering and the hyperbolic geometry of complex networks", (joint with Nikolaos Fountoulakis) appeared in the Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web graph (WAW'14) (A. Bonato et al. Eds.), LNCS 8882, pp. 1-12 (2014).
Preprint available here.

    *   "Branching Random Walks on Free Products of Groups" (joint with Lorenz Gilch and Sebastian Müller), Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society,104 (6): 1085-1120 (2012).
Preprint available at:

    *   "Phase Transitions for Random Walk Asymptotics on Free Products of Groups" (joint with Lorenz Gilch), Random Structures & Algorithms, Vol. 40, Issue 2, 150 -- 181, (2012).
Preprint available at:

You can find more detailed information about my talks and research visits, as well as attended workshops and conferences at THIS LINK