Research funding

- In 2020, together with Roberto Ambrosini, Daniela Bertacchi and Fabio Zucca, I was awarded 1,800 Euros for the project “Processi stocastici a struttura spaziale e applicazioni”, funded by GNAMPA.

- In 2019 I was awarded a prestigious fellowship by the Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR) within the project Programma per Giovani Ricercatori "Rita Levi Montalcini". Success rate: about 6%. Amount of the fellowship: about 200,000 Euros.
Started: July 1, 2019, ended: June 30, 2022.

- In 2019, together with Roberto Ambrosini, Daniela Bertacchi and Fabio Zucca, I was awarded 3,000 Euros for the project “Sistemi di particelle su grafi aleatori e deterministici e loro applicazioni”, funded by GNAMPA.

- In 2010 I was awarded a prestigious grant to support my PhD studies (a DOC-fFORTE fellowship) by the ÖAW (Austrian Academy of Sciences), success rate: about 30%.
Amount of the grant: 60,000 Euros (Started: April 1, 2010, ended: August 31, 2012).

- In 2010 I was awarded 10,000 Euros by the Austrian Science Fund to use for research visits and traveling purposes.

- In November 2010 the travel expenses of my research visit to Switzerland were covered by a Short visit grant, awarded by the ESF (European Science Foundation) within the project ''Random Geometry of Large Interacting Systems and Statistical Physics (RGLIS)''. Amount of the grant: about 1,000 Euros.

- In November 2008, before the start of my PhD, I was awarded a short term research grant (Forschungsstipendium) by the Büro für Forschung und Technologie, TU Graz. Amount of the grant: about 3,000 Euros.