About me - CV and career

Since July 2022 I am an Associate Professor in probability. 

Previous to that I was an Assistant Professor in probability (Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato di Tipo B), Universita' degli Studi Roma Tre -- Department of Mathematics and Physics, Rome (Italy). I got this position within the project Programma per Giovani Ricercatori "Rita Levi Montalcini".

My CV in a few lines:

Since July 2022 I am an Associate Professor in probability.  From July 2019 to June 2022 I was an Assistant Professor (Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato di Tipo B) at the Universita' degli Studi Roma Tre (Department of Mathematics and Physics), Rome (Italy). I got awarded this position from the Italian Ministry of Education and Research within the project Programma per Giovani Ricercatori "Rita Levi Montalcini".

Prior to that I was a Research Fellow at the Universita' degli Studi Roma Tre -- Department of Mathematics and Physics, Rome (Italy).

Between 2015 and 2018 I was a Harrison Early Career Assistant Professor at the University of Warwick (Department of Statistics), and between 2013 and 2015 I was a Research Fellow (postdoc) in the same department.

From 2012 to 2013 I was a Research Fellow (postdoc) in the School of Mathematics, at the University of Birmingham (UK), working with Nikolaos Fountoulakis on properties of random geometric graphs on hyperbolic spaces.

I got my PhD in Technical Mathematics at the TUGraz (Graz University of Technology), under the supervision of Wolfgang Woess (July 2012) with the PhD thesis Limit Behaviors for Random Walks and Branching Random Walks on some Products of Groups.

I got my Masters degree (mathematics) in 2008 at the University of Turin (Italy), advised by Wolfgang Woess and Laura Sacerdote.

My bachelor thesis (University of Turin, 2006) was advised by Paolo Cermelli.


Link to Publications and Preprints


Some of my Mathematical Interests:


Since January 2024 I serve as an Associate Editor for the journals "Electronic Journal of Probability" and "Electronic Communications in Probability".
I served in the Organizing Committee of the international workshop 4th Italian Meeting on Probability and Mathematical Statistics (Rome, 10-14 June 2024), https://probabilityrome2024.it/.
I served in the Organizing Committee of the Probability and Statistics Session within the international workshop XXII Congresso dell'Unione Matematica Italiana, https://umi.dm.unibo.it/congresso2023/ .
I served in the Scientific Committee of the 2022 IMS Annual Meeting -- Probability and Statistics https://www.imsannualmeeting-london2022.com/organisers .
*  I received the Italian "Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale" (associate professor level) in November 2020.
*  I'm a member of the UMI group PRISMA (PRobability In Statistics, Mathematics and Applications): http://www.umi-prisma.polito.it/ .
Together with Alexandre Stauffer (University of Bath, UK) I organized the "Workshop on Random Processes in Discrete Structures"  (Warwick, 30/08-02/09/2016). More info at:  www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/statistics/crism/workshops/randomprocesses
Academic years 2015/16 and 2016/17: I organized the Midlands Probability Theory Seminar.
Academic year 2013/14: I co-organized an "Open Problem Workshop" (for about 25 participants), as part of the Strategic Alliance in Discrete Mathematics between the University of Warwick and Queen Mary University of London. This took place in Moreton in Marsh (UK).