2019 : Talks and Visits

December 9-10, 2019 : "Oil and Water model on vertex transitive graphs". Invited talk at the workshop "Workshop on Probabilistic Coupling and Geometry", University of Warwick (UK).

October 3-4, 2019 : "Oil and Water model on vertex transitive graphs". Invited talk at the workshop "Geometric Random Graphs", Saint-Etienne (France).

September 3-7, 2019 : Research visit at the Institute Camille Jordan (University Lyon 1), Lyon (France).

Host: Dieter Mitsche.

July 10-11, 2019 : "Oil and Water model on vertex transitive graphs". Invited talk at the "Third workshop on Large Scale Random Structures", Milan (Italy).

June 2-7, 2019 : "Coexistence of first-passage percolation processes on hyperbolic graphs". Invited talk at the "20th Workshop on Stochastic Geometry, Stereology and Image Analysis", Sønderborg, (Denmark).

May 20-24, 2019 : "Oil and Water model on vertex transitive graphs". Invited talk at the Workshop "Probability and Analysis 2019", Bedlewo (Poland).

March 14-15, 2019 : "Oil and Water model on vertex transitive graphs". Invited talk at the Symposium "Preharmonic functions and boundaries", University of Tours, Tours (France).