2017 : Talks and Visits

October 23 - 27, 2017 : "Percolation and isoperimetric inequalities".

Invited talk at the Workshop "Dynamics on Random Graphs and Random Maps", CIRM, Marseille (France).

September 11 - 15, 2017 : "Percolation and isoperimetric inequalities".

Invited talk at the Workshop "Randomness and Graphs : Processes and Structures", Eindhoven (The Netherlands).

July 26 - August 5, 2017 : "Coupling of Brownian Motions in Banach Spaces".

Invited talk at the LMS-EPSRC Durham Symposium "Markov Processes, Mixing Times and Cutoff", University of Durham (UK).

June 19 - 22, 2017 : "Percolation and isoperimetric inequalities".

Invited talk at the First Italian Meeting on Probability and Mathematical Statistics, University of Turin (Italy).