
By becoming a member of the Campus Roots Community Garden Association (CRCGA), you support a community of like-minded individuals that share your interest in gardening.  Your membership fees help us maintain and offset the operation costs of of the garden. Please see the various levels of membership below.

Garden Rules

All members of the Garden are expected to follow our garden rules to ensure our community garden runs smoothly.

Garden Plot members are expected to participate each season with events, committees and other general tasks to maintain and care for the garden space! More information will be reviewed upon plot assignments.

$40 deposit (refundable at the end of the season; ensures rules and participation requirements are met).

$0.25/sq foot fee (you must be a CRCGA Member to rent a plot).

Garden Plot Member

By renting a plot you become a gardening member of the CRCGA! Enjoy creating and growing organic vegetables as well as growing community. Share your plot with family and friends. We are a disability-friendly garden. Let us know if you require an accessibility bed.

Benefits include:

Friend of the Garden

Any individual or family with an interest in our organization are welcome to become a 'friend' of ours! If you enjoy garden-to-table food, organic gardening and community events, you will find a membership valuable.

Benefits include: 

CRCGA Membership Fees

            U Of L Students are Free

$5 annual fee for Individual Memberships

$10 annual fee for Family Memberships     


Please contact us for further information on how to become a member.