
Our Story

The Campus Roots Garden Club (Lethbridge, AB) was founded 2008 as a community garden for students and staff affiliated with the University of Lethbridge. In 2010, the University entered into an agreement in principle with the City of Lethbridge to develop the campus garden into a community garden serving the residents of Lethbridge. As a result, the Club revised its bylaws to become the Campus Roots Community Garden Association.

Our Vision

The Cooperative seeks to enrich the lives of its members through increased awareness and education on a number of levels, including nutrition, sustainability, environmental respect, and basic agricultural production, while encouraging the development of a well-grounded sense of community on the University of Lethbridge campus.

The Cooperative’s secondary purpose is to be of benefit to the University community by offering a forum where community member can learn from each other about sustainable, organic, local level agricultural production.


Board Members 2022                                                                                             

President: Danielle Fiddler

Vice-President: Yvonne Tiger                                                                                      

Treasurer: Alastair Furtado

Membership Coordinator: Penny Pickles 

Secretary: Jocelyn England                                           

Board member: Pat Hodd

Board member: Rachel Clarke                                                               

Board member: Darren Sitter

Board member: Imaru Baquero                                                                                     

Board member: Vacant                                                                                  

Governance Documents:

Bylaws can be found here.

Please request by email if you would like to review any of our Governance documents, such as Policies, AGM minutes, Board of Director meeting minutes, etc.