Body Weight Training



For those of you who can’t get to the gym or choose to workout at home, attached are a series of exercises that you can participate in without using weights which will help you fulfill your athletic potential.

Things you might want to purchase or use:

 10 lb. medicine ball

 Stability Ball (your mom may already have one!)

 Sand Bag (your dad might have one in his truckbed!)

 Cushion from your Couch or Chair (ask mom first!)

Attached are exercises for: Medicine Balls, Stability Balls, Sand Bags and Balance Pillows.

All you need to do is choose one of these tools and do 3 sets of 10 repetitions (3 x 10) for each exercise about 3 times a week.

You can make real gains by changing up the type of exercises you do each session – this is called muscle confusion and helps you get stronger faster!

Ex. – On Monday I did all the medicine ball exercises,

Wednesday I did all the Balance Pillow Exercises and

Friday I chose to do the Stability Ball exercises.

Try to make sure that you are doing :

Abs each time –

Legs each time –

and alternating between Chest and Shoulder exercises every other time.

Good luck and don’t hesitate to ask your coaches if you don’t understand or need help with an exercise.

Keep up the Good Work