Do you want to be SUPERHUMAN?!? - This is the SUPERHUMAN workout plan - designed to make you mobile and STRONG - do this 2 to 3 times per week and you will be in the best shape of your life:)


1. Foam Roller Quads - 30 seconds each leg

2. Foam Roller Hamstrings - 30 seconds each leg

3. QL Walk - 15 feet forward, 15 feet backward - keep legs as straight as you can

4. Halos - super slow, 5 x each direction with kettlebell or 10-20 lb plate or 15 lb medicine ball

5. Cossack Squats

Workout -

1. Glute Medius - Single leg 10 reps each activity with no break, other leg, 10 is easy do 15 reps each, 15 is easy get some ankle weights and start at 10.

1-Lateral raise

2-midpoint forward

3-midpoint backward

4-forward and backward

5- Clockwise circles

6-counter clockwise circles

7- Bicycle

2. Front bridge - 3 x 1 minute each

3. Side bridge - 3 x 30 seconds (both sides)

4. Kettle Bell swings - 3 x 10

5. Be SUPERHUMAN Deadlift sequence - 2 to 5 deadlifts down to knees only with as much weight as you can do without breaking form or struggling too much, drop the weight and immediately do 5-10 plyometric box jumps - 5-10 minutes rest and repeat 3 X

6. Single leg standing Arm Rows - 3 x 10 (or 3 sets of as many pull-ups as you can do)

7. Alternating arm incline bench press - 3 x 20 (10 each arm) or (3 sets of as many push-ups as you can do)

Thats it!!! 35- 45 minutes to greatness!