Calgary Forms

Educational Scan Sheets for QAEducational QA Scan Sheet


            Modified with Permission from the MGH Ultrasound Division of Emergency Ultrasound


Educational Scans Data Entry:  QA Scan Data Entry


Minimal Criteria:  Minimal Criteria 


EBM Forms (Evidence-based Medicine):

              RCTs                                   Diagnostic Studies              Cohorts (Harm)              Case Ctrl (Harm)               

               Systematic Reviews               Guidelines             


Dr. Ma's Preop Forms:  Not related to ultrasound (for a change) - Note:  these are intended to be study aids only, do not constitute medical advice nor can I vouch for 100% accuracy. Feedback welcomed.  Please report all errors to me. 

               Approach             Cardiac Risk              Pulm Risk            Heme          DVT Prophylaxis

                  Other                Periop Meds 
