Map of bad CDF station locations

many Cal Fire stations are within 1.5 miles of another fire station

who cares?

let me share my thought process -

I think this is the portugal system - >>> they have 250 fire stations

- each fire station has structural fire trucks and some wildland fire

trucks - in the summer, they hire college kids to staff the wildfire

trucks - there are no separate wildfire stations

using that info to look at the calfire system, if California used the

Portugal system, they could close down approx 100 CDF stations, with

no significant loss of coverage - that is approx 50% of the CDF


question - selling off 100 fire stations would raise how much money?

would save how much in insurance and mtnce and utility costs? would

actually simplify and improve dispatching and response by how much?

on the other hand - many of the stations near the calfire stations are

probably very old and cant be used to house a 24 hour crew

in any case - there are at least 4 locations where a cdf station is

right next to a local station - and no sharing happens - escondido +

nevada city + visalia + Copperopolis

and there are many tiny towns that have a cdf station at 1 end of town

and a local station at the other end of town

and there are many calfire stations that close down totally in the

winter - but I suspect that no one really misses many of them because

there is no one living near them in the winter

but there are also many locations that go from a fully staffed engine

in the summer to absolutely no fire protection in the winter
