
http://www.wildlandfire.com/hotlist/showthread.php?t=13444 - wildland fire station maps on Google Maps

web.archive.org/web/20220614125653/https://calfireslo.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/CAL-FIRE-Statewide-Radio-Call-Plan-v2020.1.pdf ... CalFire radio guide 2019 2020

docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1z6BqLXJyeWAExfCTfFRfFBvgjLy8MidjX9uR2uXJLKY/edit?usp=sharing Cal Fire Facilities list - includes many local fire stations - both county and city and fire district etc - maybe from 2019 - 9/8/2022 - also available at archive.ph/az71I and maybe at web.archive.org/web/20220908105418/https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1z6BqLXJyeWAExfCTfFRfFBvgjLy8MidjX9uR2uXJLKY/edit?usp=sharing 9/8/2022 web archive has become so prissy lately cant be sure if it is working or not


Overview of Cal Fire - in the beginning, Cal Fire (previously known as CDF and CFFP ish) was closely allied with the timber industry - CDF's primary goal was to prevent building fires from spreading to the timber - over the years, that mission has flipped 180 degrees - nowadays Cal Fire is primarily oriented towards preventing wildfires from destroying buildings - Cal Fire can be thought of as a typical state forest fire service on steroids - the primary area of responsibility for Cal Fire is the foothills of the mountains - maybe from 500 feet in elevation to 2,000 feet in elevation - (known as SRA - State Responsibility Area) - that role has been augmented thru the years by cooperative ventures with counties - Cal Fire has effectively become the county fire department in many rural counties - providing wildland, structural, EMS, and rescue services - 9/8/2022

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_Department_of_Forestry_and_Fire_Protection note - the typical Cal Fire engine is a 500 GPM pumper with a 500 gallon water tank staffed by a crew of 3 people - the staffing is typically 50% yearround / fulltime and 50% seasonal / part time / college students on summer break / "Firefighter 1"

As of 2021 / 2022 - many of the prison inmate hand crews are being phased out - some are being replaced by National Guard hand crews - and some are being replaced by Firefighter 1 hand crews

9/8/2022 - a typical Cal Fire response to a reported wildfire during the peak of fire season is - 5 engines, 1 dozer, 2 hand crews, 2 air tankers, 1 air attack plane / command plane, and 1 helicopter with a hand crew of 5 people (and a collapsible water bucket) - plus any local fire departments in the area might send up to approx 5 engines, and several water tenders / water carriers - each reported wildfire is typically assigned a command channel, a tactical channel, an air to air channel, and an air to ground channel - a mixture of VHF highband FM channels and some 120 Mhz AM aviation channels are used - see www.radioreference.com/db/aid/1008 for more details - Cal Fire provides the countywide fire dispatch center for many counties