Sing Alongs - Discontinued

Announcement: As from 1st February, 2012 Valerie has decided to discontinue this activity for a period of time to concentrate on other things. Since her first performance in March 2000 (at Kingsmoor Day Centre in Hinton Waldrist) Valerie has delivered 501 live performances at 95 different venues all over Oxfordshire. With an average audience size of 20, this means that she has entertained around 10,000 people. Or as Valerie puts it "I have sung an awful lot of people to death"!

Valerie plays the guitar and has a repertoire of around 100 popular songs. She provides song books in large print so that people can join in. She also hands out tambourines, maracas and other shakers so that the audience can provide rhythm!

She has a separate song book of Christmas songs which is ideal for parties during the festive season.