Low Nitrate and Phosphate

  • For the past 18 years, I never actually tested for parameters other than calcium and alkalinity.

  • I don't have issues that I can tell. The only thing I notice is that the colors of my corals are pale. But they are growing and thriving.

  • So I bought Nitrate and Phosphate test kits. And to my surprise, they all read zero. I was hoping that they are like very high.

  • I tried to raise no3 and po4 by feeding more.

  • I also stopped using skimmer for 3 weeks.

  • I also stopped flossing.

This is what happens. I developed dinos. And they are all over my corals. My candy canes are dying.

Experiment - Raise Nitrate Level

  • I am going to use NeoNitro.

  • Dosage. I use this calculator.

  • Based on this calculator. I need to dose 30ml everyday to raise it to 2ppm.