2020 - 2021 Judy Jeffrey

President Jeffrey will be sending notes for the membership as activities and events unfold.

Judy Jeffrey

June 15,2021

It was amazing to feel the spirit of commardie and happiness at our June Luncheon. We had 47 attendees at Lakepoint and we truly had some laughs and tears. For those of you who were unable to attend I will let you in on the "secrets" that were announced at the luncheon.

Awards were announced: AFGC - Garden Therapy, 2nd Place; AFGC - Yearbook, 2nd Place; AFGC - Heritage Award, 1st Place; and National Garden Club - Preservation of Beauty, 1st Runner Up. Congratulations to the chairpersons, Louise Wilson, Cathy Wayson, and Mary Doyle, and their committees!!!!! Pat Meyer served as our Award Chair.

Due to the very successful Plant Sales this year (thank you Joal Miller and committee members) we were able to provide two $4,000 scholarships. Once again, the Scholarship Committee has found two outstanding individuals in horticulture from the University of Arkansas. I'm sure you will have a chance to meet them this fall. Donations to community organizations have been made to BV Courtesy Van ($400), BVCTV ($200), BV Animal Shelter ($200) and BV Library ($200). The board also approved the purchase of a brick to be placed in the walkway at the BV Garden Memorial Cemetery to commemorate the Garden Club Members who have spent hours caring for the grounds.

Rose Ann Hofer is featured in the Arkansas Gardener this month as our new Circle of Roses recipient. Twenty-five years as a member and counting!

Installation of Officers was conducted by Scartlett Basore of the Bentonville Garden Club. Last year's board was recognized since our 2020 June Luncheon was cancelled due to the pandemic. Pat Meyer, President, and Dory Hammeke, 1st Vice President, were officially installed as your new officers for 2021-23. Pat presented her goals for the upcoming year and announced she is making a $4,000 scholarship donation in honor of her mother. What a treasure that will be to a recipient next year.

As this Garden Club year draws to a close I want you to know I have felt honored to serve you as President for the past four years. This is truly an amazing club with so many willing to work on various projects. I also would be remiss if I didn't tell you that the board members were great support and always available to provide suggestions and assistance as needed. Many times you do not see the hours and commitment they have for this club. These past years have been so rewarding to see not only the major events that occurred but the stamina to go on, even through pandemic times. Thank you for the great memories. You are in excellent hands with Pat Meyer as President. Good luck as you move towards your 50th Year Anniversary. I'm not going away, just stepping back. See you at future Garden Club events.


May 29, 2021

Even though we rejoice in the fact that we are experiencing the end of a 14 month lock down, let us not forget the reason for this weekend. Being able to see and hug loved ones should remind us of why we can celebrate together. Many lives have been lost to preserve the freedoms we enjoy and others have served valiantly to protect not only our freedoms but others around the world.

It was evident that club members were happy to see one another in person at our late April Meeting and the Field Trip last Wednesday to the Ozark Botanical Garden of the Ozarks in Fayetteville. Seventeen members joined the guided tours. Please check the website for pictures of the tour.

The board met last week by Zoom and decided on community contributions and generous scholarships to be awarded to 2 students from the University of Arkansas. The amounts and community organizations will be announced at our June Luncheon.

There are 50 reservations for our luncheon on June 9th at Lakepoint. There will be the Installation of our new Officers: President, Pat Meyer and 1st Vice President, Dory Hammeke. We have special entertainment, a short business meeting and gorgeous Ways and Means items. See you there!

The Plant Sale Committee comes through once again. Under the able leadership of Joal Miller, the Committee Members spent hours preparing for the sale and stayed during the sale through 3 days of rain. The total income of over $6,200 plus the April sale of over $2,500 has allowed the club to not suffer financially during the pandemic. What a group! They will be recognized at our June Luncheon so each of you can thank them personally.

If you have not paid your $20 dues for the upcoming year please mail your check to Karen Welch at 14 Marykirk Lane, BV, 72715-4506 by June 15th.

Enclosed is the May AFGC Avenues newsletter. Have a wonderful Holiday weekend.


April 27, 2021

Since it has been 13 months since we have been able to meet at our usual location I am sending the address of the Bella Vista Community Church: 75 E Lancashire Blvd. Do remember to park in the back parking lot - drive around the church to the SW side. Come through the double doors below. Do not use the main entrance as you are accustomed to doing. Bring your umbrella or rain coat! Wear your mask.

Hopefully your car still knows the way. See you tomorrow.


April 26, 2021

Given the forecast of heavy rain for Wednesday morning the Bella Vista Community Church will allow us to meet there for our April Meeting on April 28th. We are the first group, outside of the church, that they are allowing to use their facility. We thank them for their generosity.

We must abide by their protocols which are:

Parking only in the SW parking lot. Enter through the double doors under the portico.

Go directly to our meeting room.

Use only the restrooms in the hallway to the room.

You must wear your mask and our chairs will be socially distanced.

Hand sanitizing will be available.

We will not be using their kitchen.

Do remember to bring your checkbook or cash. It would be very helpful if you had your check for our $20 dues already completed payable to BVGC. Also, a check for $16.50 for our June luncheon with your entree selection made. Also, payable to BVGC. This would really help keep our lines manageable for Karen and LeeAnn.

We will have Ways and Means with outstanding choices. You will want to bring some more cash for these options.

The Welcome Committee will be on hand to check you in to the meeting.

The minutes and financial statements may be reviewed on our Garden Club website under members only section.

The April issue of AFGC Avenues is attached.

Since this is such short notice if you know of any member that does not check email daily please let them know of this location change. Thank you.


April 14, 2021

I'm trying to remember that "April Showers Bring May Flowers" as another cloudy rainy day appears. On the bright side it does seem that life is returning to a somewhat normal routine with many individuals that we know being fully vaccinated. I hope that each of you is also experiencing that wonderful feeling.

In that spirit our April Meeting will be in person, but outside. We will convene at the Kingsdale Pavilion, which is located in the back of Riordan Hall and right beside the pool. The speaker, Denise Klinger, will begin at 9:30 AM on Wednesday, April 28, 2001. The topic is "Bluebird Habitat/Native Plants."

Election of Officers will be held, members will have the opportunity to decide on a field trip in May and Tony LiCausi will hold a "One on One" session with any member that has a garden question.

Because we have had to cancel or severely modify meetings and events this past year, the Board has decided to cover 50% of the cost for each attending member at our June luncheon. Because of covid restrictions we have moved the location to Lakepoint. The date is the same, June 9th. Social hour will begin at 11:00 am with a short meeting at 11:30. There will be 2 entrees available: chicken or beef, with a plated luncheon at 12:00. We will have entertainment and Installation of Officers. Your cost will only be $16.50. Kathy Woxland will send out additional details as soon as they are finalized. You will be able to select your entree when paying Karen Welch at our April Meeting. If you will not be in attendance in April you must send a check to Karen by May 25th with your entree choice. So, let's leave our houses and celebrate together!

$20 dues will also be collected at our April meeting. So, bring your checkbook to cover the annual dues and the luncheon cost. It helps everyone when you pay your dues in a timely fashion (treasurer and budget planning). You can even make your checks out ahead of time so we can keep the line short and distanced at the treasurer's table.

Attached is the March AFGC Avenues. I'm sorry I didn't get it forwarded earlier but it arrived while I was on vacation.


March 10, 2021

The March winds are definitely here! Oh, is it blowing BUT the daffodils are blooming! Debris clean up is beginning to occur with our community projects and the Plant Sale Committee members are hard at work preparing for the Spring Plant Sales.

We have two new members: Lorrie Healy and John Minton. How nice it is to pick up new members in the middle of this pandemic. Lorrie and John, everyone will be anxious to meet you in person. Welcome!

Our March meeting will be held on zoom. You are all so proficient at this technology that we will continue zoom this month. I am hoping that the April meeting can be an in person meeting and we will hold officer elections then.

Our program for March has changed. Bella Vista Fire Chief Steve Sims will be our speaker on "Fire Safety in Bella Vista." Tony LiCausi is scheduled to provide information on organic bed preparation. Both speakers have very pertinent topics for us at this time of the year. I will send you the invitation next week.

We have had too many TLC announcements lately concerning our dear members. Let's remember those individuals as the remainder of us emerge from this pandemic and out of our homes.

Stay safe and see you on zoom!


February 15, 2021

There is really so little to report to you. Our February Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 24th. It will be a Zoom meeting. If there is anyone that wants to join and you have never used Zoom, please let me know and I will set up a practice time for you. For the rest of you I will send out the invitation on Tuesday, the 23rd. I will log on at 9:00 AM even though the speaker will not begin until 9:30. That way if we have any cliches we should be able to work through them before the meeting begins.

The speaker will be Cody Gilstrap, owner of River Rock Water Gardens. He will discuss how to create a water feature. Tony LiCausi will be available for a one on one question and answer session. The Nominating Committee will announce the slate of officers for this upcoming term.

Enclosed is the AFGC newsletter. Also the link to the minutes and treasurer's report is below.


Please stay warm and safe.


January 14, 2021

As this new year is underway I was thinking that 2021 just had to be better than 2020! I think there are times when we all feel a "little down" but let's hope the sun that is shining today bodes better times ahead. Perhaps I feel that way because my husband and I have appointments for the covid vaccine. If you are over 70 Cornerstone Pharmacy is taking appointments through their Facebook page. I also understand that the Mercy system will soon be notifying individuals over 70 through their My Mercy notifications. Never did I think that I would be so glad to be this old! Perhaps we will now be able to travel to see our first great grandchild who is due to arrive in April.

Now it's time to quit telling you about myself and focus on the Garden Club. I am in the process of naming the Nominating Committee. Linda Neymeyer has agreed to Chair once again. If you are interested in assuming a leadership role for us please let Linda know. This is the year that there is not a full slate of officers. Primarily, there must be a nomination for President and First Vice President.

The January meeting will be held via Zoom. I will send the invitation to join a few days before January 27th. The speaker will be David Rains, owner of Rains Tree Care, the program will be Pruning Trees and Shrubs. You will be able to ask questions of David and his assistants. The presentation will begin at 9:30 AM, so, grab a cup of coffee and join us. Tony LiCausi is scheduled to discuss Proper Tree and Shrub Planting Methods.

If you have never used Zoom I plan to issue an invitation on another date right before the meeting to help you. I will also send you easy directions and a Youube video to help. It really is not hard but hopefully by trying before the meeting we can work out all the bugs for you. You can use your desktop, laptop, IPAD or a smartphone to join the meeting.

Spring is just around the corner so please remember to order your spring and summer gardening bulbs, etc. from Brent and Becky's site. This is a great money raiser for us as we receive funds directly from them when you order. Just go to our home page, bellavistagardenclub.com, scroll down and you will find the logo to click on to order.

See you soon via Zoom.


December 16, 2020

I hope you all enjoyed the beautiful snow the other day. It is so surprising to me to still have the ground white. Since we moved to this part of the US it has been so seldom that any snow stays for longer than a few hours or even a day. This blanket of whiteness has certainly helped me to realize the Christmas spirit of joy, comfort and blessings for all we have. Our Christmas will be spent here rather than with our children and grandchildren. It definitely will not be the same to watch their gift opening and smiles on Zoom! At the same time, how wonderful it is that we can witness family joy, even though in a very different way. I'm hoping each of you will experience joy this season.

As this year comes to a close I would be remiss to not thank our Board Members and Committee Chairs that have remained so steadfast in their support for this Garden Club. Through an extremely difficult and ever changing year they have been flexible and so willing to go "with the flow". Plans have continued to change and events cancelled but the club goes on. Our financial position continues to be stable as the Plant Sale Committee Members - I have entitled them the "plant bubble" - raised lots of cash for the club. That "bubble" is amazing as they have worked unbelievable hours because I simply would not allow the "bubble" to expand because of covid concerns. AND they did it with no one contracting the virus as a result of their safety measures.

I am attaching a note below from Becky Fox, one of our members, regarding an upcoming CBS segment this Sunday. Thanks Becky, for letting us in on this special event. There is also a Thank You note from Lou Jasper below and a newsletter from AFGC attached.

As we all begin our preparations, even though different, for this Christmas season please don't forget to remember in our prayers those members with health difficulties for either themselves or family members. Also, others who are facing times of limited or no joy.

Merry Christmas and a Happy 2021 Year!


Note from Becky Fox:

Bruce spent his career at Fisher-Price toys and in his retirement he has written books, lectured and allowed some of his collection to be put on display in museums. He and Becky have the country's largest collection of Fisher-Price toys. Our members who have been to their home know what a fun and happy place it is to enjoy all the toys and collections.

CBS "Sunday Morning" is going to have a special Christmas program next Sunday, December 20 at 8:00 am local time. The segment will start with the F-P Museum celebrating the company's 90th anniversary. Bruce's segment will follow it. A CBS crew spent 6 hours at their house on Thursday. Serena Altschul was the reporter interviewing Bruce. Of course, if there is some big story breaking, the segment won't be shown.

Note from Lou Jasper:

Thank you for the contribution to Penny Pines Program in memory of my daughter, Sue.

Sincerly, Lou Jasper

November 22, 2020

As the days grow shorter and the pandemic continues it's unrelenting stay in our world it is sometimes hard to remember that we really do have much for which to be grateful. Here are some of my thoughts as Thanksgiving approaches.

1) My beautiful red geraniums are still blooming and I do believe they will be here on Thanksgiving Day.

2) Even though it will be a stay at home holiday we are so lucky to have the technology to see and visit with our loved ones.

3) I do not have to visit a food pantry in order to eat on turkey day.

4) Golfing is a real possibility year round in Bella Vista.

5) All of our children and grandchildren have not lost any jobs due to this pandemic.

6) There appears to be an end in sight to this situation. As Dr. Fauci has said "the calvary is coming." Vaccines are ready for approval and perhaps by late spring or summer our lives may return to normal. Hope is a real cure for the malady of covid tired.

As I think you know our Christmas Luncheon was cancelled and at this time we are not anticipating that we will be able to host our Card Party that is held in March. If you are comfortable dining indoors and wish to gather some of your Garden Club friends please do so at the time of the originally planned luncheon. A note to this effect is on our website.

You can bring Christmas beauty into your home by ordering poinsettias from Peel/Compton www.peelcompton.org Poinsettia Sale (fundraiser) with pickup on Dec. 4th and 5th, 10am - 2pm at the Peel Mansion Parking lot. No need to leave the car - covid friendly pickup. Red and White available for $20 each from the Peel Foundation.

At this time I am anticipating that our January Meeting will be held via Zoom. As the date approaches I will provide you with a short video "Zooming for Seniors." It is very easy to understand. You will also receive an address to click on to join through your computer or even your Ipad or Iphone.

Attached is the latest issue of AFGC.

Please have a wonderful Thanksgiving by connecting in unconventional ways with your family and friends. Thank you so much for continuing to support this wonderful Garden Club.


October 27, 2020

We are cancelling tomorrow's meeting due to rain and cold temperatures. We have rescheduled for next Wednesday, November 4th. The forecast is much better. It may even be warmer. The speaker will be the same, Rich and Kathy Hemming from the Simplicity Lavender Farm. They will have products for sale so you can do some early holiday shopping. Tony LiCausi will be available to answer any questions on a one-to-one basis.

Social time at 9:30 AM. Program begins at 10:00 AM. Masks are required along with social distancing. Please have no more than 4 people at a table. There will be no food or drink so if you want anything you must bring it along, but just for yourself.

Sorry this is so late but wanted to wait, just in case the weather decided to cooperate. Thank you for understanding.


October 23, 2020

Yes, we do have a meeting scheduled for next Wednesday, the 28th. We will be meeting at the Kingsdale Pavilion which is just next to the Riordan pool. Since we will be outside, under a shelter, please dress warm as the forecast looks chilly. You may also want to bring a warm drink, even a hot toddy, since there will not be any food or drink. Bring exact cash if you plan to purchase raffle tickets for Ways and Means.

If you plan to socialize at 9:30 AM, please keep your social distance at 6 feet and you must wear your mask, even when talking with your friends. The program "Lavender 101" by Rich and Kathy Hemming, owners of Simplicity Lavender Farm, will begin promptly at 10:00 AM. Beth Kastl, our Program Chair, has promised us the availability of doing a little Christmas shopping from their lavender products. There may also be some surprises in the raffle items.

The Board met via Zoom this morning and decided to change the format of our Christmas Luncheon for the following reasons: covid cases are not declining in Arkansas; there is even some discussion of more restrictive gatherings or closings in the near future; many of our members are uneasy with gatherings at which it would be difficult to socially distance or wear masks; and there is still a great deal of uncertainty about the road ahead. Thus, we are considering the following plan. Reserve either space or tables for the Garden Club at the BV Bar and Grill on Wednesday, December 2nd. Those members who are comfortable with dining indoors are just asked to come at 11:30. You will be seated at the large round tables with no more than 6 - 8 diners. You will order from their menu and pay for your own lunch. We will not have a meeting, entertainment or a Ways and Means raffle. This will strictly be a social event for those Garden Club Members who wish to gather in the Christmas spirit. By our meeting time next Wednesday we should be able to let you know the final plan. I know we are all anxious to return to some sort of normalcy but this continued pace of the pandemic makes this somewhat impossible.

Enclosed as attachments are the meeting minutes, treasurer report and the monthly newsletter from AFGC.

See you next Wednesday!


September 24, 2020

It "almost" felt normal to see some of you yesterday. I wish to thank those 32 who followed the safety protocols so well. We sanitized all of the tables before you arrived and since you kept your masks on and followed good distancing I feel comfortable with attempting another in person meeting for our October Meeting. It may or may not be cooler than yesterday but we will be outside again. For those of you who still have misgivings about attending an in person meeting I certainly understand your concerns. I have a husband who is considered highly vulnerable so you can believe that I will continue to insist on "being safe." I also wish to thank the Welcome Committee: Pat Schrad, Marliyn Russell, Cathy Downard, for figuring out how to "sign in" for the meeting and "receiving" your yearbooks. Karen Welch and Lee Ann Robinson also demonstrated how to collect Ways and Means dollars in a sanitary way. In other words, I believe that the Garden Club demonstrated how we can move forward in these difficult times.

Of course, I cannot fail to mention how the Plant Sale Committee accomplished three different sales (2 more than we normally have in the spring) in a manner that demonstrated to the public that we can adjust to the new realities that we face. I also announced that they have produced over $9,100 in sales.

The minutes will be posted on our website soon so you can follow the other meeting activities.

I am including a request from the Cooper Chapel for any of you who are looking to be outside during this time. It is such a beautiful place in our wonderful Bella Vista.

"I wanted to give you a couple of updates and open opportunities that I hope you will share with your wonderful Bella Vista Garden Club members. First, we are again searching for just the right fit for a very part time groundskeeper. It is roughly 30 hours a month and is now a SET three days a week position. Thank you, in advance, for passing along the information.

We are also going to host a short Community Volunteer Workday this Friday morning (September 25) from 8:30 am to 10:00 am. Willing hearts and hands can arrive and choose from one of the jobs on the list (work gloves and shovels are recommended). There will be some planting and transplanting, but other options don't require back exertion. Anyone interested is welcome to contact me at the office tomorrow from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm (wedding at 4:00 pm): 479-855-6598.

I greatly appreciate your kind consideration to share and pass along this information to anyone you may feel would be interested.

Kind regards,

Cindy Adams, Director"


September 19, 2020

We're going to meet in person this coming Wednesday. I made a mistake in my last President's Message on our start time. Our social hour will begin at 9:30AM. The program will begin at 10AM. Troy Baucum from Fat Top Farms will speak on Mushrooms and Tony LiCausi will present Foliar Feeding. Our meeting place will be the Kingsdale Pavilion which is beside the Riordan pool. Because so many of our members are considered vulnerable during this pandemic you must wear your mask, even when talking. There will be tape marks that indicate a safe distance to sit at the tables. If you wish to bring your own beverage please do so as we will not have any drinks or breakfast treats. We will have a raffle for Ways and Means so if you plan to participate please bring exact change or a check. Remember, 1 raffle ticket costs $1 or you can get 6 for $5. You will also hear about the joyful events (awards, money raising, etc.) that have occurred since we last met.

Enclosed please find a request from Terri Waterman, our incoming AFGC president and the Sept. issue of the AFGC Avenues.

I hope to see you Wednesday but if you are uncomfortable in attending or do not feel well we certainly understand.


August 17, 2020

This note will be longer than usual so please hang in there with me.

1. We really wanted to surprise our Award Winners this year at an in person meeting but alas, it was not to be.

  • Karen Welch received the AFGC Turtle Award for being a first time blue ribbon winner at a flower show by the oldest garden club member applying in Arkansas. That certainly doesn't mean she is old but was the oldest member to receive a first time blue ribbon! That award had a $25 check which Karen, of course, is turning back to the Club. Thank you Karen.

  • Barb Templin received an Individual Service Award. This is made to an individual who gives and gives to her club. She is an officer and always can be counted on, in spades, to help with our projects. She also received a blue ribbon for her collage at the Flower Show which was slated to be exhibited at our AFGC August meeting in Little Rock. Please bring the collage to our September meeting as everyone should have the opportunity to see the wonderful design.

  • The Flower Show, chaired by Linda Neymeyer, also amassed awards. National Garden Club (NGC) 1st place for Club Standard Flower Show, South Central Region (SCR) 1st place for Flower Shoe Schedule ($25), Arkansas Federation of Garden Club (AFGC) 1st place for Standard Flower Show Sponsor ($25), AFGC 1st place for Flower Show Staging ($25), and 1st place for Flower Show Schedule ($25). Congratulations to Linda and all of her team that worked so hard to make the Flower Show a success.

  • Mary Doyle and her crew for the Bella Vista Memorial Garden Cemetery tied as NGC first runner-up for Preservation of Beauty.

  • Cathy Wayson achieved 2nd place for our Yearbook from AFGC.

  • A Certificate of Appreciation was awarded from NGC for our Social Media/Website.

  • We all owe a huge Thank You to all of these individuals!!!!👏

2. Our Plant Sale Committee, chaired by Joal Miller, continues to make unbelievable contributions to our Club. Not only were the Spring Sales a huge success but another sale is in the making. Be prepared for a unique opportunity to purchase unusual and beautiful daylilies in September. An appointment only AM sale will be held on Sept. 17-19. They have been digging and potting daylilies from a gorgeous site for the last few weeks. Prices will vary from $5 - $25 as some of the lilies have a very expensive plant as their parent! Watch our Facebook Page for pictures and explanations of the flowers. Club members will be able to make appointments a day before the public can make appointments.

3. Our September 23rd Meeting will be held outside at the Kingsdale Pavilion. It is right next to the swimming pool at Riordan Hall. You can begin to gather at 9:00 AM (Correction on 9/18/20 per Judy Jeffery - gather at 9:30 AM and meeting starts at 10:00 AM) although we will NOT be serving drinks or have any goodies. Please bring your own. In order for everyone to feel comfortable, masks will be required and we will socially distance. The program will feature Trey Baucum from FAT TOP Farm on Growing Mushrooms. Your beautiful yearbooks are here and they will be ready for pickup after the meeting. We will honor our Circle of Roses recipients, a Penny Pines recipient, and all of our award winners.

4. The club now has a Zoom license so we will be able to continue meeting this year, even if it is remotely.


July 16, 2020

I am hoping that this note finds all of our members safe and healthy. I know that all of us are anxious to return to some sort of normalcy but it doesn't look like that will happen very soon.

At this time we have 81 paid members for next year. I am so thankful that you stepped up to support this club, even though we are somewhat uncertain as to what the future may hold. At this point we are hoping to resume our monthly meeting schedule on September 25th at 9:30 AM. Depending on the conditions that exist at that time we are considering the following measures:

1. We will only be able to meet at the Bella Vista Community Church IF the church has opened it's facilities to outside groups. This will probably only happen if Arkansas has gone to Phase III opening.

2. We will request that more tables be set up so members can socially distance at the meeting.

3. No refreshments (food or beverage) will be available.

4. Sign in will be different at the beginning of the meeting.

5. Masks may still be mandatory.

The program will be by Trey Baucum from the FAT TOP Farms Mushrooms.

The following actions have been completed this summer:

1. The audit is complete and all is in order. Many Thanks to Karen Welch.

2. The budget has been completed. All committee chairs were asked to submit their requests, given our reduced revenues. We were able to honor all requests for the committees. This was possible because of the outstanding success of the Plant Sale Committee. Through a virtual sale and appointments only they managed to send over $5,000 to our treasury! Whew!!

3. The following donations were made, even though they were reduced from previous years:

  • BV Library $150

  • BV Courtesy Van $200

  • BV Historical Museum $100

  • Heifer International $100

  • BV Community TV $150

4. The yearbook is almost ready - thanks to Cathy Wayson. It will be ready for you in September.

5. All committee chairs have been filled. We have some new members who are stepping up!

As usual, I am so thankful for the willingness of all to help through these unprecendented times. May you all stay safe, be careful, but still find time for your own enjoyment - that may be your gardening, or phone calls or Face time with grandchildren.


June 20, 2020

The August luncheon is cancelled. Over 25 members indicated they were uncomfortable with attending. I hope to see all of you the end of September!


June 17, 2020

We need your input: regarding the scheduled August 5th luncheon at the BV Bar and Grill.

At the present time we have our luncheon scheduled with the following provisions: social distancing as required by the state on that date; the buffet will be served by the staff; cost will be $25; the menu consists of pork medallions, grilled salmon, house salad, green beans, roasted red potatoes and cheesecake. We still are not out of the woods with covid-19 so we are wondering if our members will be comfortable attending the luncheon. Please let me know at judyajeffrey@gmail.com if you are uncomfortable with attending. We need to make a decision in a few days.

Congratulations to the hardy members who completed a very successful Plant Sale. Although it took several phases including a virtual sale and 2 half-days of appointments, we managed to still have a profit of over $5200!!!! It was managed very successfully under the leadership of Joal Miller. THANK YOU! We were able to complete the project using many fewer volunteers than in the past thus protecting the safety of all. When we are all finally together again you will have the opportunity to recognize those individuals who spent hours in preparation and adjusted willingly to the new safety conditions.

We have cancelled the Garden Extravaganza for this year and hope to proceed with the event next June. Although it is disappointing, when our gardeners had worked so hard to prepare, the pandemic situation and restrictions became too difficult to overcome.

We have also cancelled the Card Party. We had hoped to hold it in October but again the future doesn't look like it will return to normal by then. It will be scheduled in March of 2021.

Our books will be audited at the end of June. Although we will not have our regular budget meeting all committee chairs have been asked to submit their budget requests for the 2020-2021 year. Because of our cancellations, etc. the budget will be lean but with our carryover and a successful Plant Sale, we can certainly manage this upcoming year.

We are planning to begin our regular year in September. Programs are planned and we should be able to manage physical distance, etc. in our setting at the Bella Vista Community Church. I think we are all ready for some semblance of normalcy.

Thinking of all of you and hoping you are managing this time with a new appreciation of how important our personal interactions are with family and friends. God Bless!
