2008 Flower Show

The Bella Vista Garden Club presented a Standard Flower Show on June 7, 2008 at the Bella Vista Community Church, selected for its convenient location, appropriate size and excellent natural lighting.

This is the third consecutive Standard Flower Show that we have held that has won State, Regional and National NGC Awards.

Show Theme and Description

"Lazy Daisy Summer" was the title of this light-hearted look at summer fun, interpreted through design, horticulture and seasonal staging. Decorative plants and nostalgic themed vignettes brought summer into our showroom. Each of the 9 Design Classes was preceded by a vignette displaying a descriptive card, which informed visitors about the type and subject of the designs they were about to view, with 36 entries presented.

The daisy theme of the show was woven throughout, from a daisy banner at the entry, a creative daisy arrangement near the guest book and daisies used in the vignettes and in centerpieces on the serving and dining tables. A picnic atmosphere was created by a daisy quilt and vintage summer sports items placed beneath a large patio umbrella in the center of the hospitality area. Daisy cookies were served with summer fruits and iced tea, accompanied by summer classics on the piano.

Garden scarecrows made from tomato cages and grapevines watched over the 44 Horticulture Classes with 168 entries, where 79 blue ribbons were awarded. In the Educational Division, two exhibits provided information on "Wayside Wildflowers of Arkansas" and "Butterfly Gardens". Other informational displays showed recent club activities and tips for amending garden soil in our area.

After judging by six Accredited Judges, including three Master Judges, our show was open to the public without charge. Members of our garden club wore identifying T-shirts to assist any of our more than 250 guests with questions about our show or our club. Many complimentary comments let us know that our visitors truly enjoyed a "Lazy Daisy Summer".

Linda Neymeyer, 2008 BVGC Flower Show Chairman