
Journal Articles

Oğuz Mesüm, Ali Rana Atılgan & Burak Kocuk (2024). A Stochastic Programming Approach to the Antibiotics Time Machine Problem, Mathematical Biosciences, 372:109191.

Rabia Taşpınar & Burak Kocuk (2024). Discretization-Based Solution Approaches for the Circle Packing Problem, Engineering Optimization, 56 (12), 2060-2077.

Bahar Cennet Okumuşoğlu, Beste Başçiftci & Burak Kocuk (2024). A Joint Chance-Constrained Stochastic Programming Approach for the Integrated Predictive Maintenance and Operations Scheduling Problem in Power Systems, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 36 (5), 1335-1358. (instances)

Sahand Asgharieh Ahari & Burak Kocuk (2023). A Mixed-Integer Exponential Cone Programming Formulation for Feature Subset Selection in Logistic Regression, EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, 11:100069.

Sezen Ece Kayacık, Burak Kocuk & Tuğçe Yüksel (2023). The Promise of EV-Aware Multi-Period Optimal Power Flow Problem:  Cost and Emission Benefits, Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 34:101062.

Deniz Tuncer & Burak Kocuk (2023). An MISOCP-Based Decomposition Approach for the Unit Commitment Problem with AC Power Flows, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 38 (4), 3388-3400. (instances)

Burak Kocuk (2022). Optimization Problems Involving Matrix Multiplication with Applications in Material Science and Biology, Engineering Optimization, 54 (5), 786-804.

Santanu S. Dey, Burak Kocuk & Nicole Redder (2022). Node-Based Valid Inequalities for the Optimal Transmission Switching Problem, Discrete Optimization, 44:100683.

Burak Kocuk (2021). Conic Reformulations for Kullback-Leibler Divergence Constrained Distributionally Robust Optimization and Applications, An International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories & Applications, 11 (2), 139-151.

Burak Kocuk (2021). Rational Polyhedral Outer-Approximations of the Second Order Cone, Discrete Optimization, 40:100643.

Sezen Ece Kayacık & Burak Kocuk (2021). An MISOCP-Based Solution Approach to the Reactive Optimal Power Flow Problem, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 36 (1), 529-532.

Danial Davarnia, Burak Kocuk & Gérard Cornuéjols (2020). Computational Aspects of Bayesian Solution Estimators in Stochastic Optimization, INFORMS Journal on Optimization, 2 (4), 256-272.

Santanu S. Dey, Burak Kocuk & Asteroide Santana (2020). Convexifications of Rank-One-Based Substructures in QCQPs and Applications to the Pooling Problem, Journal of Global Optimization, 77 (2), 227-272. (instances)

Burak Kocuk & Gérard Cornuéjols (2020). Incorporating Black-Litterman Views in Portfolio Construction when Stock Returns are a Mixture of Normals, Omega, 91:102008. (dataset)

Burak Kocuk & Diego Morán (2019). On Subadditive Duality for Conic Mixed-Integer Programs, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 29 (3), 2320-2336.

Burak Kocuk, Santanu S. Dey & X. Andy Sun (2018). Matrix Minor Reformulation and SOCP-based Spatial Branch-and-Cut Method for the AC Optimal Power Flow Problem, Mathematical Programming Computation, 10 (4), 557-596.

Burak Kocuk, Santanu S. Dey & X. Andy Sun (2017). New Formulation and Strong MISOCP Relaxations for AC Optimal Transmission Switching Problem, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 32 (6), 4161-4170.

Burak Kocuk, Santanu S. Dey & X. Andy Sun (2016). Strong SOCP Relaxations for the Optimal Power Flow Problem, Operations Research, 64 (6), 1176-1196. 

Burak Kocuk, Hyemin Jeon, Santanu S. Dey, Jeff Linderoth, James Luedtke & X. Andy Sun (2016). A Cycle-Based Formulation and Valid Inequalities for DC Power Transmission Problems with Switching, Operations Research, 64 (4), 922-938. (instances)

Burak Kocuk, Santanu S. Dey & X. Andy Sun (2016). Inexactness of SDP Relaxation and Valid Inequalities for Optimal Power Flow, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 31 (1), 642-651. (instances)

Burak Kocuk, İ. Kuban Altınel & Necati Aras (2015). Approximating the Objective Function's Gradient Using Perceptrons for Constrained Minimization with Application in Drag Reduction, Computers & Operations Research, 64, 139-158.

Burak Kocuk, Özgür Emre Sivrikaya & Melike Baykal-Gürsoy (2013).  Maintenance of Infinite-Server Service Systems subjected to Random ShocksComputers & Industrial Engineering, 66 (1), 86-94.

Refereed Conference Proceedings

Polen Arabacı & Burak Kocuk (2022). Robust Portfolio Optimization Models when Stock Returns are a Mixture of Normals, AI and Analytics for Public Health, Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics (ICSS 2020), 419-430.

Burak Kocuk & Willem-Jan van Hoeve (2019). A Computational Comparison of Optimization Methods for the Golomb Ruler Problem, In Proceedings of Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research (CPAIOR 2019), LNCS 11494, 409-425.

Encyclopedia Article

Burak Kocuk & Diego Morán (2023). Conic Mixed Integer Programming: Subadditive Duality, In Encyclopedia of Optimization (third edition), accepted.


Burak Kocuk & Diego Morán (2024). Proximity Results in Convex Mixed-Integer Programming, submitted.

Gustavo Angulo, Burak Kocuk & Diego Morán (2024). Generator Subadditive Functions for Mixed-Integer Programs, submitted.

Neman Karimi, Burak Kocuk & Tuğçe Yüksel (2024). A Dynamic Strategic Plan for the Transition to a Clean Bus Fleet using Multi-Stage Stochastic Programming with a Case Study in Istanbul, submitted.

Mosayeb Jalilian & Burak Kocuk (2023). Improved Rank-One-Based Relaxations and Bound Tightening Techniques for the Pooling Problem, submitted.