Conference Presentations
A Dynamic Strategic Plan for Transition to a Clean Campus using Multistage Stochastic Programming, POMS 2025, Atlanta.
A Dynamic Strategic Plan for Transition to a Clean Bus Fleet using Multistage Stochastic Programming, POMS 2025, Atlanta.
Proximity Results in Conic Mixed-Integer Programming, ISMP 2024, Montréal and MIP International 2024, Mumbai.
Exploiting Symmetry in Risk-Averse Antibiotics Time Machine Problem, INFORMS 2024, Seattle.
Strategic Planning for Transition to Next Generation Clean Energy Technologies using Stochastic Programming, EURO 2024, Copenhagen.
Learning to Relax Nonconvex Quadratically Constrained Quadratic Programs, EUROpt 2024, Lund.
Risk-Averse Dynamic Antibiotics Time Machine Problem, INFORMS 2023, Phoenix.
Discretization-Based Solution Approaches for the Circle Packing Problem, SOR 2023, Bled.
Rational Polyhedral Outer-Approximations of the Second-Order Cone, EUROpt 2023, Budapest.
Çokdönemli Doğal Gaz Depolama Eniyilemesi Problemi için Dışbükey Gevşetmeler, YAEM 2022, Denizli.
Risk-Averse Antibiotics Time Machine Problem, ECCO 2022 (virtual).
An MISOCP-Based Decomposition Approach for the Unit Commitment Problem with AC Power Flows, INFORMS 2021 (virtual).
Rank Kısıtı İçeren Eniyileme Problemlerinin Dışbükeyleştirilmesi ile İlgili Bazı Yeni Sonuçlar, YAEM 2021 (virtual).
Mixed-Integer Exponential Cone Programming in Action: Sparse Logistic Regression and Optimal Histograms, INFORMS 2020 (virtual).
Optimization Problems Involving Matrix Multiplication with Applications, INFORMS 2019, Seattle.
Node-based Valid Inequalities for Optimal Transmission Switching Problems, INFORMS 2018, Phoenix and ICS 2019, Knoxville.
Integer Programming Techniques for Optimal Transmission Switching Problems, ISMP 2018, Bordeaux.
Global Optimization of Power Systems Problems, INFORMS 2017, Houston.
Extensions of Subadditive Duality for Conic Mixed-Integer Programs, MIP 2017, Montréal.
Minor Relaxation and SOCP Based Spatial Branch-and-Cut Method for the Optimal Power Flow Problem, ICS 2017, Austin.
Global Optimization Techniques for the Optimal Power Flow Problem, INFORMS 2016, Nashville.
New Formulation and Strong MISOCP Relaxations for AC Optimal Transmission Switching Problem, INFORMS 2015, Philadelphia.
Strong SOCP Relaxations for the Optimal Power Flow Problem, INFORMS 2015, Philadelphia.
Two Classes of Valid Inequalities for the DC Optimal Transmission Switching Problem, ISMP 2015, Pittsburgh.
New Formulation and Valid Inequalities for the DC Optimal Transmission Switching Problem, ICS 2015, Richmond.
Some Polyhedral Results for DC OPF Problem with Switching, INFORMS 2014, San Francisco.
New SOCP Relaxations for AC OPF Problem, INFORMS 2014, San Francisco.
Estimating Gradient Using Perceptron for Constrained Minimization with Application in Drag Reduction, INFORMS 2013, Minneapolis.
Toplam Kesme Gerilimini Enküçükleyen Emme ve Üfleme Hızlarının Belirlenmesi, YAEM 2012, İstanbul.