LGBT Travel - Areas To Avoid

For various cultural or religious reasons certain areas around the world employ some very harsh anti - LBGT laws.

These laws differ greatly from country to country, as do the penalties for practising homosexual acts.

This prompted us at BTravelSavvy to compile a list of these areas, along with the various penalties issued, in order for those in same sex relationships to avoid the areas around the world which could be hostile or unsafe for them to visit.

Any countries NOT mentioned on this list can be considered safe for LGBT travelers.

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Afghanistan - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by death.

Algeria - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by Imprisonment or heavy fines.

Angola - Illegal but punishment is rarely enforced, although openly gay people will experience hostilities towards them.

Antigua & Barbuda - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by imprisonment.


Bangladesh - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by imprisonment.

Barbados - Illegal for both sexes although the law is rarely enforced.

Belize - Illegal for both sexes. LGBT foreigners / tourists will be denied entry into the country.

Benin - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by imprisonment.

Bhutan - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by imprisonment.

Botswana - Illegal but rarely enforced. Exercise caution when in public places.

Brunei - Illegal for males and punishable by either a heavy fine or imprisonment.

Burundi - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by imprisonment.


Cameroon - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by way of imprisonment.

Comoros - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by way of imprisonment.

Cook Islands - Illegal and punishable by imprisonment for males. Legal for females.


Domenica -Illegal and punishable by imprisonment for males. Legal for females.

Djibuti - Although not illegal, same sex couples will encounter hostilities.


Egypt - Although not illegal, same sex couples will encounter hostilities.

Eritrea - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by way of imprisonment.

Ethiopia - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by way of imprisonment.


Gambia - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by way of imprisonment.

Ghana - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by way of imprisonment.

Grenada - Illegal and punishable by imprisonment for males. Legal for females.

Guinea - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by way of imprisonment.

Guyana - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by as much as life imprisonment.


India - Although not illegal, no laws have been passed on discrimination. Sharia Law is implemented in Kashmir State.

Indonesia - Legal except for in Aceh Province where it is punishable by life imprisonment for male Muslims.

Iran - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by way of flogging or life imprisonment.


Jamaica - Illegal and punishable by imprisonment for males. Legal for females.


Kenya - Illegal and punishable by imprisonment for males. Legal for females.

Kiribati - Illegal and punishable by imprisonment for males. Legal for females.

Kuwait - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by imprisonment.


Lebanon - Illegal but the law is rarely enforced. Exercise caution when in public.

Lesotho - Illegal and punishable by imprisonment for males. Legal for females.

Liberia - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by way of imprisonment.

Libya - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by way of imprisonment.


Malawi - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by way of public flogging or imprisonment.

Malaysia - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by imprisonment.

Maldives - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by way of Sharia Law.

Mauritania - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by way of the death sentence.

Mauritius - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by imprisonment.

Morocco - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by imprisonment.

Mozambique - Not illegal but same sex couples can experience discrimination. Exercise caution in public

Myanmar - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by imprisonment.



Namibia - Although illegal for both sexes, the law is rarely enforced. Exercise caution in public.

Nauru - Illegal and punishable by imprisonment for males. Legal for females.

Nigeria - The northern states of Nigeria implement Sharia Law where homosexual practices are punishable by death by flogging.

Northern Cyprus - Illegal and punishable by imprisonment for males. Legal for females.


Oman - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by imprisonment.


Pakistan - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by several means from fines to flogging to life imprisonment.

Palestine - Gaza Strip - Legal. West Bank - Illegal and punishable by imprisonment for males. Legal for females

Palau - Illegal and punishable by imprisonment for males. Legal for females.

Papua New Guinea - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by imprisonment.

Philippines - Legal except for in Marawi City where Muslim LGBTs can face imprisonment.


Qatar - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by imprisonment.


Russian Federation - Although homosexuality is not illegal, gays and lesbians have been known to suffer persecution, both verbally and physically.Exercise caution when in public places.


St Kitts & Nevis - Illegal and punishable by imprisonment for males. Legal for females.

St Lucia - Illegal and punishable by imprisonment for males. Legal for females.

St Vincent & the Grenadines - Illegal and punishable by imprisonment for males. Legal for females.

Saudi Arabia - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by flogging or even the death sentence.

Samoa - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by imprisonment.

Sao Tome & Principe - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by fines or short imprisonment.

Senegal - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by imprisonment.

Seychelles - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by imprisonment.

Sierra Leone - Illegal and punishable by imprisonment for males. Legal for females.

Singapore - Illegal and punishable by imprisonment for males. Legal for females.

Solomon Islands - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by imprisonment.

Sri Lanka - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by a fine or flogging.

Syria - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by imprisonment.

Somalia - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by imprisonment.

Somaliland - Illegal for both sexes. Punishable by imprisonment for nationals and expulsion for foreigners.

South Sudan - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by imprisonment.

Sudan - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by imprisonment.

Swaziland - Illegal and punishable by imprisonment for males. Legal for females.


Tanzania - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by life imprisonment.

Togo - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by imprisonment.

Tonga - Illegal and punishable by imprisonment for males. Legal for females.

Trinidad & Tobago - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by imprisonment.

Tunisia - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by heavy fines or imprisonment.

Turkmenistan - Illegal and punishable by imprisonment for males. Legal for females.

Tuvalu - Illegal and punishable by imprisonment for males. Legal for females.


Uganda - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by life imprisonment.

United Arab Emirates - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by the death sentence.

United States of America - Although same sex relationships are not illegal, openly gay people may experience discrimination, particularly in the very religious, Bible Belt states of Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Texas.

Uzbekistan - Illegal and punishable by imprisonment for males. Legal for females.


Western Sahara - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by imprisonment.


Yemen - Illegal for both sexes punishable by flogging or the death sentence.


Zambia - Illegal for both sexes and punishable by imprisonment.

Zimbabwe - Illegal and punishable by imprisonment for males. Legal for females.

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