Troop History

The first meeting of Troop 1776 took place on the 6th of September, 2016, though our charter would not become valid until the 10th of October. During this meeting, the scouts elected their leadership, with Zachary Emmert as Senior Patrol Leader, Samuel Falls as Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, and Jonah Weddle as Quartermaster. Our primary goal during those first few weeks was simply not to fall apart in a few months, a milestone we have greatly surpassed. The troop tried to get the number 1492, however that had already been taken.

Our very first camp out was at Chicaque National Park, from November 12th to November 14th. By December of that year, the troop earned the Journey to Excellence Award, Bronze level. Within our first year as a troop, We earned the Hiking Merit Badge together with the assistance of the scouts' parents (some more grudging than others). As a young troop, we don't have a very long or rich history, but we plan to grow onward into the future.

Zachary T. Emmert