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At the end of each prgram year for our June meeting, we have an indoor potluck picnic. Each member

brings a delicious dish, and the chapter provides meat, drinks, and table decorations.

During this meeting, we also install new officers and give out our student awards.

It is a wonderful way to start the summer and end the school year!

award winners and their parents at this annual picnic.

Colonel Gregory Coker (left) with our student

Installation of 2014-2016 officers by the Third District Director.

McConnell Springs was settled in 1775 by William McConnell. Upon hearing of the first battle

of the American Revolution in Lexington, Massachusetts, it was decided to name the area

"Lexington" in honor of that battle. Our chapter is proud to support this beautiful historic

site and nature park and we raised money to buy a brick of support.


Annual Christmas Luncheon and Auction

Another long-time tradition of our Bryan Station Chapter is our annual

Christmas auction and luncheon. This is our fundraiser for the year, and we

are so lucky to have had several great autioneers. We always have a

great time while raising money to continue the good work of our chapter.

Auctioneer, Mike Moynahan, works his auctioneer magic!

Members look over the array of items up for auction.

Members enjoy fellowship at the luncheon as they anxiously await the auction.


Mary Desha Memorial Service

Bryan Station Chapter was the first chapter to host a memorial service at Mary Desha's gravsite and now

the five Lexington chapters of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution take turns annually

Mary Desha, one of the four founders of the NSDAR was a native Lexingtonian and is buried here in Lexington Cemetery.

The ceremony is held on the Saturday closest to the date the Society was organized, October 11, 1890.

State officers from the KSDAR and members from the other Lexington chapters often attend the ceremony

along with members of the Lafayette Chapter NSSAR who serve as a color guard.

Mary Desha, one of the four founders of the National Society of the

Daughters of the American Revolution.

Past Regent Clemons places flowers on Mary Desha's grave at Lexington Cemetery.

Bryan Station members

attend the 2013 Mary Desha Memorial Service.

National Society Sons of the American Revolution, Lafayette Chapter members Don Adams,

Al Coleman, and Barney Judd help us honor Mary Desha.


Excellent Speakers

Dr. Ron Bryant, a published author, historian, and lecturer

Helen Evans

Heather Fench Henry


Duncan Tavern

Duncan Tavern was built of native Kentucky limestone by Joseph Duncan, an officer of the Revolutionary War. The

sign above the building read "The Goddess of Liberty." The tavern was frequented by frontiersmen and statesmen such as

Daniel Boone, Simon Kenton, James Smith (known as the first rebel of the American Revolution), and many others.

Duncan Tavern Historic Center is now the headquarters of the Kentucky Society

Daughters of the American Revolution. It houses the John Fox Genealogical Library, and has an in-house museum

where tours are available Wednesday through Saturday by appointment.

The ladies of the Bryan Station Chapter enjoy a delicious and beautiful luncheon at Duncan Tavern Historic Center.



Each spring the Kentucky Society Daughters of the American Revolution hold their conference for

the state chapters. The Bryan Station Chapter always has a good turnout of, not only delegates,

but members who enjoy this event. Many of our members take an active role in volunteering to

serve in different capacities at the conference.

Members have served at State Conferences on both the local and state levels.

Bryan Station members at the Saturday KSDAR Luncheon.

Past-Regent Combs (2016-2020) has made friends with some fine gentlemen from the

National Society Sons of the American Revolution.


Friendship Tea

Our chapter hosts a Friendship Tea each summer for prospective members. This newer chapter

tradition introduces prospective members to our membership and other activities.

Current members also enjoy socializing.

Friendship Tea Committee members

set a lovely table of delicious treats for our tea.

Bryan Station members and prospective members enjoy each other's company at the Friendship Tea.

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Web hyper-links to non DAR sites are not the responsibility of the NSDAR, the state organizations, or individual chapters.