ERRATA for Guarani Linguistics in the 21st Century (Brill, 2017)

No matter how much care one (thinks one has) put in composing and proof-reading a volume, there is always something missed. Here is a list of errors in the book, by chapter, complete to the best of my current knowledge.

  • Chapter 2: A Grammar Sketch of Paraguayan Guarani

P. 11, ex. (3b): where it reads "2SG.INACT-LOC2" it must read "2SG.INACT=LOC2" (The locative morpheme is a phrasal clitic, it is morphologized correctly in the line above).

P. 14, ex. (5c) and (5d): where it reads "Chehecha" and "Ndehecha" it must read "Cherecha" and "Nderecha" respectively, and the same should be reflected in the morphologizations, which should read "che-r-echa" and "nde-r-echa" and in the glosses, which should read "1SG.INACT-POSSM1/2-see" and "2SG.INACT-POSSM1/2-see". This is explained correctly in section 4.2, p. 28ff.

P.21, ex (17): A better, less literal but also less transparent translation is 'I do not want to walk anymore'.

P.22, ex. (19): "dog-PL" and "child-PL" should read "dog=PL" and "child=PL" respectively, since I consider the plural marking a phrasal clitic (the gloss is correct in the line above).

P. 34, line 6: where it reads "1SG A& 2SG P (ro-) and 1SG A & 2SG P (po-)" it must read "1SG A& 2SG P (ro-) and 1SG A & 2PL P (po-)". The form po- (or poro-) indicates that a second person PLURAL patient. This appears correctly stated in Table 2.6.

P. 45, ex. (63): The second line, morphologized, must be non-italic.

P. 51: Where it reads "As (76b) shows", it must read "As (78b) shows"

P. 60, ex (97a), first lines: Where it reads "ombokakuaa", it must read "omongakuaa". "Ombokakuaa" is found in the original paper the citation is taken from but the form used by all native speakers and grammars I have consulted is "omongakuaa" (which is irregular: the usual rules of nasal harmony should yield "ombokakuaa"). The same should be reflected in the morphologization, which should read "o-mo-ngakuaa".

P. 71, ex (120b): Where it reads "na-i-jave-i-ma" it should read "na-i-ja-ve-i-ma", and below, where it reads "NEG-3.INACT-fit-NEG-PFV" it should read "NEG-3.INACT-fit-AUG-NEG-PFV".

  • Chapter 5: Word Classes and Word Class Switching in Guarani Syntax

P. 175, line 3: Where it reads "may be regarded adjectives", it should read "may be regarded as adjectives".

P. 176, ex (60): On page 175 it is made reference to to examples numbered (60): one of them (showing the verbal use of the root discussed), is missing.