CURRENT WORK IN PROGRESS: Creation of a reference grammar of Paraguayan Guarani in SPANISH based on

Estigarribia, Bruno. 2020. A Grammar of Paraguayan Guarani. Grammars of World and Minority Languages Series. London, UK: UCL (University College London) Press.

I hope to have this work finished for publication by the end of 2024. This work will be the result of a collaboration with a team of Paraguayan, Argentinian, and American colleagues.

Reference Grammar of Paraguayan Guarani:

The following volume was published August 26, 2020. 

Estigarribia, Bruno. 2020. A Grammar of Paraguayan Guarani. Grammars of World and Minority Languages Series. London, UK: UCL (University College London) Press.

It can be purchased or downloaded for free as a PDF here:

(ERRATA here:

I wanted to acknowledge the invaluable support for this project of the United States’ National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH Fellowship Award #FEL-257415, January 2018 to December 2018), the Buchan Excellence Fund administered by UNC Romance Studies, and the Schwab Excellence Award from UNC’s College of Arts and Sciences. The UNC Duke Consortium in Latin American and Caribbean Studies funded the early steps of this project as well through UNC’s Institute for the Study of the Americas.

Schwab Academic Excellence Award (December 2018)

I have just received notification that I am one of the recipients for the 2019 Schwab Academic Excellence Award granted by the Institute for the Arts and the Humanities at UNC-Chapel Hill, and made possible by an endowment from IAH Advisory Board Vice Chair Nelson Schwab III (’67, English). I am greatly honored!

NEH Fellowship (2018)

December 2017: I received a 2018 NEH Fellowship for my project titled “Language and Indigeneity in a Global World: Guarani Spaces and Linguistic Decolonization in Paraguay”.

I will be doing fieldwork in Argentina and Paraguay to document current Guarani language practices and create the first digital archive of contemporary Guarani, which will be the first publicly accessible, fully searchable archive of any of the Guarani languages.

Edited volume on current Guarani Linguistics

June 2017: New book, published by Brill in the Brill's Studies in the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (BSILA) series:

Guarani Linguistics in the 21st Century (co-edited with Justin Pinta). ERRATA for Guarani Linguistics in the 21st Century (2017)

Guarani Linguistics in the 21st Century (BSILA) Cover: