Head's Message and Perspective

Message and perspective from the Head,

Welcome to the Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME) Department. I am delighted that you have decided to visit this website.

The vision of the department Head is to train engineers who strive to approach the ingenuity of Lillian Gilberth, the creative problem solving capabilities of Osborn & Parnes, the creativity of Pablo Picasso, the determination of Thomas Edison, the leadership abilities of Cyrus the Great, the conscience of Eleanor Roosevelt, the vision of Martin Luther King, entrepreneurial character of Steve Jobs, and the curiosity of our children.

Our core curriculum in Mechanical Engineering is essentially the same as, and in some respects more enhanced than, other universities. The curriculum is designed based on a blend of what satisfies the ABET accreditation committee, surveys conducted on MIT alumni on skills highly needed at work (such as teamwork, leadership and entrepreneurship), and ATU’s vision. I firmly believe that there is always room for improvements in anything we do and this rule also applies to curriculum design. Hence, through guidance and recommendations from Advisory Board (IAB) and other engineering societies such as American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), National Academy of Engineering (NAE), as well as our Alumni, the Head's strategy is to ingrain a continuous improvement mindset in everything we do, specifically the ME curriculum.

I share with you my conviction of a program that not only embraces well-established mechanical engineering education (to conceive, design, realize, operate, maintain, and retire systems) but also strives to reinforce what engineers need in 21st century (such as soft or professional skills, communication (orally, electronically, and in writing), leadership, decision making, innovation, entrepreneurship, moral compass, ethics and cultural awareness).

Along with the other members of the faculty, I appreciate your interest in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or would like to engage with us more closely. If you visit our beautiful campus, please visit the department and feel free to drop by my office for a conversation.

Bruce Chehroudi, PhD

Professor and Head, Mechanical Engineering
Interim Head, Electrical Engineering Department

“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge,” Albert Einstein

“Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education,” Martin Luther King Jr.

1Modified from NAE

This is Dr Chehroudi's perspective and views when he was the department Head (he is no longer affiliated here).