Agape Gifts

Provide Gifts of Agape

What is agape?

The letters, posters, placemats, prayer chain, etc that we commonly refer to as “agape” are, in fact, only the visible symbols of the agape love being offered. Actual “agape” is the love, prayer, and sacrifices offered on behalf of others, often unknown, unconditionally, in accordance with the example of Christ’s agape love for each of us.

Agape is a Greek word that roughly translates to an unconditional gift. You may have heard the term "Agape Love" which refers to unconditional love or the kind of love that God has for us. For Kairos, Agape means cookies, brownies, children's artwork, and whatever else the Kairos teams need to make the men and women participating in a Kairos weekend feel the love of God.

Each Kairos weekend has opportunities for outside support in the form of Agape. Such Agape could include; writing letters of support, providing placemats for mealtime and praying the prayer chain.

Interested in helping provide Gifts of Agape? Please contact us at: