Future Projects

Brian has a host of future writing projects in hand, but progress has been slow because of his health and domestic responsibilities. Important note - there is no guarantee that any of these will happen; although The Mists of Middleham is substantially complete, and the second book in the Walking Among Lions series is well in hand.

The projects include:

A novel about Richard III - this is a 'much requested' book and Brian has made at least three discrete attempts to write it, extracts from which may be found in The Open Fetterlock which is available only in Kindle format. None of his attempts have satisfied him and he has found the task of doing Richard justice so daunting he has temporarily laid it aside. A fair bit has been written but it will probably end up being focused on 1468-1472. Just a chance it could be done by 2024.

The Mists of Middleham. (Formerly Alianore II or Alianore Audley and the Holy Grail.) Rather to his surprise, Brian has found there is potential for a second novel around Alianore Audley. A fair piece of it has been written. Substantially completed. It needs a polish. Just a chance it could appear in 2023 but Walking Among Lions has priority.

Walking Among Lions ( Formerly with project name This New Spring of Time.) The first part is now published. At last! It is available from Amazon in all three formats. The second book should be finished this year! (That is 2022.)

Britons Strike Home (Working Title). Comedy novel written about a homecoming ship's captain in the Jane Austen era. Long term project. It will probably only appear if Brian lives a very long time! (Almost certainly abandoned).

Alternative 1399 A very tentative project. In alternative history, what might have happened in the events of 1399 had turned out differently.

George Clarence Again a very tentative project, but an alternative version of history where George Clarence becomes king. A short version of this has already appeared in print in The Road Not Travelled.

The True History of King Richard III A deeply ironic take on Richard and his reign. Definitely not to be taken seriously.

Other long-term objectives are a novel about Urraca of Zamora and another about the English Civil War. However, Brian accepts that he will probably have to leave these two until his next incarnation.