tom's Profile

"Hi there,

My name is Tom and I run the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme at HBYP. It is my passion to inspire young people and give the tools and knowledge to take on the challenges of their award.

I have a background in the outdoor industry. I studied outdoor education at college and university in Leeds, back in the day. I have experience of working summer seasons at multiple outdoor centres in the Lakes and elsewhere.

I also work as a freelance outdoor instructor in the summer months. This involves travelling around the country as a DofE specialist, providing training in navigation and all things dofe to a group of participants. As part of the role, I usually move to remote supervision of the participants, when I am confident in their skills and abilities, letting them loose in the countryside, while being there for safety and support at a distance. This gives you people ownership of their own expedition, an experience they will never forget.

I am a qualified mountain leader, I am also involved with scouts and training to become a qualified rock climbing instructor. So in my spare time, I love to camping, hiking, climbing, paddling and all that good stuff!"