Roda da Holanda


When Roda da Holanda started 7 years ago, the band would never have dreamed of what it is today; an irresistible party with a tremendously enthusiastic audience that continues to grow. Something unique in the Netherlands. What started as a few musicians who sat down to play at a table has become a full grown band with its own interpretation of a roda de samba without losing the tradition out of sight.

Roda da Holanda represents an evening that revolves around Brazilian samba, dancing and connecting with the music and each other. What does that look like? The musicians are sitting around a table and you, as a listener, are standing at the table among countless others who are drawn to the stirring rhythms and melancholic sounds. Amid the dancing, laughing, singing and clapping crowd, there’s only one thing to do: joining the party! This way you are, as it were, ín the music.


Femke Smit-lead vocals
Breno Viricimo-guitar, vocals
Nathan Klumperbeek-bass, vocals
Marijn van der Linden-cavaquinho
Lucas Santana-sax/flute
Léo da Vila Matilde-percussion
Udo Demandt/Vincent Spitters-drums


Lilian Vieira-lead vocals
Daniel de Moraes-guitar
Daniel Montes-guitar/cavaquinho
Jeroen Hensel-percussion
Angelo Ursini-clarinet/flute
Marc Mangin-sax