CH Brandwein Grossherzogin, CD, JH, VC

Hannah (CH Brandwein Grossherzogin: CH Roman's Up N'Adam, SH x BISS-AM/CAN CH Brandwein Riverside Konigin, CD, JH, VC) has won multiple Bests of Breed from the classes and as a special.

Hannah finished her CD with all 190+ scores and placements, and recently won the Veteran Class at the North Florida Regional Specialty Show accompanying the GSPCA National Specialty Show.

But some of her best work was done in the Junior Showmanship Ring with our nephew, Nicholas. She taught Nick how to show dogs before he was old enough to enter Junior Showmanship when he showed her as a specials, and she rapidly guided him through Novice Junior Showmanship and on into Open Junior Showmanship.

At the time this photo was taken when Nick and Hannah won Best of Opposite Sex at the Nutmeg GSP Club Specialty Show, they probably were the same weight, although Hannah was 5 and Nick 9 years old.

Hannah passed from this realm at the age of 16 years and 4 months in June 2016.