CH Brandwein Skir Brudhr Godha, JH, AD

Skadhi is named for the Norse Goddess of the winter hunt, who was described in the Eddas as the "shining bride of the Gods" (Skir Brudhr Godha). Running in hunting tests at the age of 1, she went out on her 4th test at the Westminster KC Hunting Test, found and pointed 5 chukars, honored her brace-mate and handled as usual (impeccably) and was described by the judges (this was the end of the day) as the "Amazing Shorthair". She earned perfect scores (all 10's) and a smiley face for honoring (which is not required at that level) and came home with a Junior Hunting Title.

After losing a year and a half to a crippling injury and amputation of a toe, Skadhi came back to finish her conformation championship in April 2019, and received an Achiever Dog certificate from the AKC.

She has trained in North Dakota with Dave Walker (Walker's Farm and Kennels) in preparation for Field Trial Gun Dog Stakes. She is pointed in Derby where she has pointed as many as 5 birds in a stake. A natural retriever and backer, she runs big without passing a bird. Her manners are excellent, not crowding or stealing point from her bracemate.

Skadhi is OFA-Hip excellent, OFA-Elbow normal, OFA-cardiac normal.

Skadhi is training in obedience for the winter, returning to field trials in. She will also take some time off to have puppies.

Skadhi in conformaiton
Skadhi pointing
Skadhi pointing