19 April 2022

General Meeting B&PCP Charity No 1112151 Tuesday 19 April 2022 from 6.00pm

PRESENT: M Bell, J Blackburn, R Cowen, A Dolan, M McKeon, G Parker, S Raine, J Richardson, N Ridley

1 APOLOGIES: J Blakey, K Bowman, G Hutchinson, C Styles

2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST FOR THIS MEETING: Declare interests when appropriate.

3. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING: The minutes of 15 March were agreed.

MATTERS ARISING: 7)a The trees have been respaced in the green at the front of Parkhill, and the Xmas tree has been moved further back from the road.

4. POLICE: Crime statistics for February 2022: Violence and Sexual Assault 17, Criminal Damage 17, Anti-social Behaviour 17, Other Theft 5, Public Order 5, Vehicle Crime 2.

It was troublesome to see that statistics for Violence & Sexual assault, Criminal Damage, and Anti-social Behaviour remained high month after month.

After some discussion it was agreed to follow up the concern with the PCC, Joy Allen, at the joint meeting.


i) TREASURER’S REPORT: Unrestricted income:- £6.50 tea & raffle money.

Restricted income:- £1000 Citrus, Integra61 for the Fun Day; £500 Believe Housing for the Fun Day.

Unrestricted Incomes total £837.76; Restricted Incomes total £5 065.42

ii) QUIZ FOR FUNDRAISING: New quiz is ‘In one’s element’ for £1, to return by Saturday 14 May 2022

iii) TEA/RAFFLE PRIZE: S Raine won the prize kindly donated by Mal Bell

17 May 2022 Richard Cowen to donate a prize for the raffle.

iv) PERSONAL FUNDING: After some discussion it was agreed to direct those wanting personal funding to the County Durham Community Foundation grant scheme or other such funding for individuals. It was also suggested that an article could be put into the Interchange to guide people to such funding. JANET

v) UKRAINE: It was felt that there is a need to prepare a meeting place for Ukrainian refugees coming to stay in our area – possibly Bowburn, Coxhoe and Shincliffe.

It is hoped that DCC will give some guidance on this. CLLR McKEON

6. ITEMS FOR ANY OTHER BUSINESS: Noticeboard in Parkhill; Interchange delivery


i)PLANNING ISSUES AND UPDATES: a) Bus Stop Crowtrees Lane: As it is unlikely that the bus stop will ever be moved from the junction, this item will be removed from the agenda.

b) Bowburn Services: It was agreed to support an application by Bowburn Services to install a canopy of solar panels to service a charging station. RICHARD

ii) PARKHILL: The uprooted bushes have been cleared from the green and the grass is beginning to grow.

It is hoped to have a higher kerb to prevent flooding on the green. The ‘memorial’ bench has not been cleaned and remains unusable it was hoped that it could be cleaned in a sensitive way by DCC. JANET

iii) YOUTH CENTRE Joanne Eden: Youth Clubs are busy and well attended. We continue to work with Young People across a range of issues that affect them and the community. AAP Funding allowed us to have a full Easter programme. We also provided packed lunches and an activity pack which were available to all Children and Young people over 6 days. We will apply for funding for the summer holidays.

The Gym continues to be very popular particularly in the evening and is now open on Saturdays 5-7pm. We struggle for volunteers in the morning with some volunteers having to work up to three mornings a week to keep the Gym open. Joanne will advertise these positions on the Gym Facebook page.

iv) SCHOOLS: a) Bowburn Primary School – no update this month

b) Former Junior School: Work has begun to make the former grounds ready for a sports area and playground.

c) Former Infant Schools: Talks continue to use the school for alternative teaching.

vi) ENVIRONMENT: a) Trees at Parkhill: See Item 3.

b) Coxhoe Ponds Wildlife Area: Vehicles have caused the area to be very muddy. The area does need protecting as it is recognised as a wildlife area and as a green space in the Neighbourhood Plan.

Cllr McKeon will make enquiries using information from Richard. RICHARD, CLLR McKEON

c) Motorway underpass ‘feature mural’: A memorial mural behind the old Coop by Durham Spray Paints is a wonderful example of spray painting. If the gentleman who was interested and given permission to paint the MW underpass in a similar way, it would enhance the area.

d) Leamside Line: The line has never been allocated to any other use and it would be hoped that at some future date it could be reinstated as a railway line.

vii) HIGHWAYS: a) Levelling Up money – Cllr McKeon will update on the Relief Road on 20 April.

  • DCC will submit 5 bids to the Levelling Up Fund on 8 July, one of which is for the Relief Road for Bowburn. The Bowburn bid is the only one with matched private finance from Citrus (Integra61), and the only one for highways which could give it priority.

viii) FUN DAY: 2 May, Richard is to contact Amazon again to see if any funding is available; Integra61 and Believe housing have given funds, see Finance 5i; 15 stalls have been booked for the day. RICHARD

8. CORRESPONDENCE: All sent by email.


i)EAST DURHAM RURAL CORRIDOR AAP: Key Messages Board Meeting 30 March 2022

Cllr Varty chaired the meeting. The PCC updated on the Durham Police and Crime Plan 2021/24. A Davison gave a presentation on Durham’s Libraries. G Smith gave a presentation on the Big Econ-versation. The Board approved the Area Budget project for the Active Life Centre, and the Holiday Activity with Healthy Food Fund agreed the DJ Evans Youth Club, Bowburn Youth Project – Easter Half Term 2022

L Hurst from Investing in Children provided an update on the Online Safety Animation project. The NB project for St Helen’s Church was approved; Cllrs: Hutchinson & Blakey gave £2,000 each match funding.

ii) BOUNDARY CHANGES: The proposed Parliamentary constituency to include Bowburn will be kept within County Durham, but outside the City of Durham. As far as the County Council is concerned the map will also be redrawn for the Council Wards by the Boundary Commission. Guidance will follow.

ii) COUNTY COUNCILLOR ROUNDUP: Cllr McKeon reported that:

Cabinet will decide on the sale of the Council Headquarters on 20 April. She hopes that tree planting will mitigate noise from the motorway. There would be different options for Bowburn, Coxhoe and Tursdale.

A member has concerns over the old Coop building and surrounding area and needs effective policing.

iii) Cassop cum Quarrington PARISH: 16 March 2022. Following the advertising of two vacancies on the Parish Council, now available for co-option, N Henderson expressed an interest in joining the Council. After a brief interview she was accepted and confirmed as a Councillor for the East Ward of the Parish.

A pre-start meeting held with Brambledown Landscapes confirmed that the footpath and foundation works for the Miner’s Lamp would begin on 28 March 28, weather permitting. It would be 28 days after completion of the groundworks before the installation of the artwork could be started. Meanwhile, the lease from DCC had been amended, and was signed after the meeting by the Chair, to be forwarded to DCC for agreement.

Following a request from B&PCP to hold joint meetings with them concerning certain issues in the area, ie i) Discussion of selection of projects funded by Section 106 money, and ii) the damaged railing on the MW roundabout, and other traffic issues, it was agreed to hold two such joint meetings, and that S Reed of DCC should be asked to attend the meeting for item i) to help determine how projects were selected for S106 funding, and the PCC plus Dave Wafer from DCC should be invited to attend meeting ii). It was also suggested that Coxhoe PC should be invited to attend, as traffic issues went beyond Parish boundaries. Next Meeting 20 April 2022, Litter pick 30 April would be for the Big Spring Clean and the Fun Day.

iv) QUARRY LIAISON: No meeting has been arranged.

v) BVC: Interchange 97 – The smaller version is most acceptable

Articles and photos for Issue 98 should be submitted by 6 June to cover Jubilee celebrations.

vi) BANNER GROUP: The Gala Day route through Bowburn is under discussion.

vii) HISTORY GROUP: The ‘Winterton hospital’ talk was well received

9 May – The AGM will be followed by a members’ meeting.

10. AOB: It is possible for Parkhill to have a Noticeboard for Parkhill paid from the Regeneration Fund. It was noted that previously members from Parkhill had stated that they did not want a Noticeboard but this may have changed. Alfie will find out the current position.

Delivery of the Interchange at Hampton Park will be shared by Richard, and Nicola who lives on the estate.

11. NEXT GENERAL MEETING: 17 May 2022 6.00pm in Bowburn Community Centre