This page contains frequently asked questions about BottosCon.    If you have a question, but you can't find it here, please add a comment and we will add it.


Q: When is the convention?

In 2025 the convention runs from Nov 6-9.

Q: What are the hours of the convention?

Thursday: 10am - Midnight [requires Extended Pass]

Friday: 9am - Midnight

Saturday: 9am - Midnight

Sunday: 9am - 6:30pm

Q: Can I safely leave games in progress set up over night?

Yes.  The doors will be locked and the room secured after midnight on Friday and Saturday.


Q: Where is BottosCon held?

The convention is held at the Inn at the Quay in New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada.  More information is available on our Hotel page.

Q: Where can I stay?

There is a hotel attached to the convention hall.  

Q: Is there a special room rate at the hotel?

Yes, a special convention attendee room rate is available. See our Hotel page for more details.


Q: How do I register for the convention?

Go to the Registration page and follow the instructions.

Q: How do I pay the registration fee for the convention?

Go to the Payment page and follow the instructions.

Q: Does BottosCon have discounted rates. 

BottosCon offers discounts for early registration.  These decrease over time as the convention gets closer, so register early if you can.

If your financial situation is such that you cannot afford to attend or you otherwise wish to discuss special discounts, please contact the convention director, Rob Bottos, at bottosconpayments@gmail.com.


Q: Is there a schedule or is it “open gaming”?

Both.  There is a schedule where you can add new games.   The schedule is used to ensure we have enough tables of the correct size throughout the conference.

The schedule is located on this page.

However, there will be a number of tables hosted by volunteers that allow drop in gaming.  As well attendees can reserve a table for a time block devoted to open gaming rather than specific gaming.


Q: How do I add a game to the schedule?

Once you are a registered attendee you will be given a link to the game scheduling spreadsheet.

Q: How will I know that my game was added to the schedule?

The schedule is updated automatically.   You just go to the schedule page (you may need to hit refresh if already viewing it).

Q: How do I change information about my game?

Just edit the game in the scheduling spreadsheet.

Q: How do I get more players to sign-up for my game?

Make an announcement about the game using on or more of the channels discussed in the Social Media section below.

Q: Can I run a play test of an unpublished game?

Absolutely! Just mention that is a "play test" in the information write-up when you add the game to the spreadsheet.  

Also, be sure to include some information about the game itself in the write-up.   If the game already has a web-site, be sure to fill in the Game Info Web site box.   Providing lots of information about the game in the schedule will help you recruit players.

Q: Can I reserve a table for drop-in demonstrations of one or more games?

Absolutely! Just choose "Drop In" as the game type in the schedule spreadsheet.  

Q: Do you have a special area for play tests and/or game publishers?

We try and assign game designers / publishers at tables that are front and center, in order to maximize exposure.  But actual location will depend on limitations of the venue and meeting your play surface size requirements.

Q: What are the table size options?

If you are doing a multi-player miniatures game, your best option is the Mega Miniatures Table (MMT) in the central hall .  However, there is only one of those, and the miniatures table is being overseen by Burgess Dillon of the Trumpeteers.

Your other basic options are the Small (S), Medium (M), and Large (L) tables.   You can also temporarily combine multiple tables together in the combinations table below (note M and L tables are slightly different heights -- so that combination is not offered). ***Please make sure you request an appropriate sized table. Don't go asking for a Large table if all your game requires is a medium table. Also, don't request a table that is too small, and then wonder why we gave you such a small table. There is only a finite number of tables, and we do our best to give you what you have requested. We will do our best to accomodate your specifics, but reserve the right to upgrade you if all the tables of the requested size are not available.  ***

Other special table requests may be accommodated if reasonable and possible, given the venue and other factors.

Q: What are the different types of game sessions?

The different types of game sessions are as follows:

Q: How do I cancel my game?

Change the title of your game to "CANCELLED" and people will get the hint.    Your game will disappear from the schedule shortly thereafter.


Q: Is there a BottosCon Facebook group?

Yes.   It is https://www.facebook.com/groups/BottosCon/

This group is used for convention announcements and for attendees to discuss potential games to add to the schedule.   It is also a good venue to drum up interest in people to sign-up for your game.

Cross posting with the Google Group group (see above) is typical and recommended.

Q: Does the convention have a Twitter hash tag?

Yes. The evergreen one is  #BottosCon.   If you want to tweet about the current year's convention, tack on the full year name to the hashtag, e.g. #BottosCon2022.


Q: How do I get one of those cool BottosCon t-shirts or mugs?

You can order these ahead of the convention during registration.

Q: Will my purchase be shipped to me?

No.  All orders will be available for pick-up at the convention, by you or someone you designate. 

Q: How do I pay for merchandise?

You pre-pay as part of registration.

Q: I want to order more than one size or color of t-shirt can I do that?

Yes. Just answer "Yes" to the "Do you want oroder another shirt?" question in the registration form..

Q: How do I change my merchandise order?

Contact Rob.


Q: How does parking work?

Parking is the sole responsibility of the convention attendee.

There is pay parking below the hotel, beneath adjacent buildings, and elsewhere in New Westminster.

Please pay attention to signage as the hotel does not own and operate the entire underground parking lot.

Hotel guests may have the parking fee added to their hotel bill so they don't have to purchase each day's parkage.  Please speak to front desk to arrange.


Q: What kinds of games are played at BottosCon?

While the convention was originally 100% war games, BottosCon has diversified over the years to accommodate all kinds of gaming. 

Q: How long has BottosCon been held?

The first BottosCon was held in 2007 with an attendance of 32 people. Each year attendance has grown to the point whewe we cap attendance at 140. 

Q: Why is it called BottosCon?

It is named after its founder and primary organizer, Rob Bottos.

Q: Is alcohol permitted in the gaming area?

Yes. However, we have to abide by the BC Liquor regulations and hotel policies. 

There is a licensed bar next door to the hotel as well as a licensed restaurant in the hotel. 

Q: Can I bring my own food into the hall?

As per our contract with the hotel, outside food and drink is not permitted.  It may be possible to order food  from the onsite restaurant and have it delivered to the gaming area. (Note: This is still pending a discussion with the hotel).

Convention staff will not be the food or drink police. Please exercise good judgement and be discreet.