Welcome to Bolton

Welcome to Bolton!  

Dear neighbor,

Bolton Local welcomes you to our town. We are delighted you’ve decided to move to Bolton, MA, and would like to share some information that may help you acquaint yourself with local organizations.  Here we hope to provide some simple links to information for people new to the Bolton or even those that have been here a while.  These are from questions that are asked frequently and hope they provide help to all members of the Bolton Community.

Bolton is a dynamic community with citizens actively involved in making Bolton a vibrant place to live. We encourage you to check out committees in town and consider signing up to receive Bolton Local announcements about events in our town. 

About Bolton Local: We are a group of people whose mission is to build a strong, self-reliant community culture made up of people committed to living sustainably on the planet, in a way that inspires, builds friendships, and offers a hopeful vision for the future.

We are glad you are here and look forward to welcoming you to the community in person at our next event!


Bolton Local

Connecting with your neighbors and town...

CODE RED - Emergency Notifications CodeRED can be used by Town Officials to send critical, time-sensitive communications in an event of storm-related emergencies, evacuations, hazardous materials spills, lock downs, downed power lines and missing persons or other emergencies. You can sign up and select how to be notified - phone, text and/or email - at www.townofbolton.com by clicking on CodeRed on the Home page.

Town email   Bolton town notification list. You can add your name to receive an email for general news and announcements, meetings of town boards, etc. You get to select which things you want to be notified about. To sign up, go to the town of Bolton web site, www.townofbolton.com, and click on Connect then ; Subscribe to E-News.

Bolton Local  A community group that brings local food, energy, and resources to town, helping Bolton become a more sustainable community. To join this group to learn about town-wide events and resources for your family, go to www.BoltonLocal.org.

Facebook On Facebook, there are a number of pages that you may want to join or follow:

Nextdoor This is a private social network for Bolton residents which you can use to ask questions, get recommendations, start discussions, etc. You can check it out at https://nextdoor.com