Some Poems

Some old poems

In digging through some of my old stuff I came across some poems I wrote way back when I was in Bible school. Here are samples of some of them.

In my mind there wages a verbal war,

All the lines I have heard before,

I say that "God will see me through",

but hear "You are such a fool".

To believe for something I've never had,

even when things look really bad.

But I believe He will see me through,

to us lack of money is nothing new,

He's met the needs of more than a few!

Here is a more comical one.

I have a problem, I cannot stay awake,

another hour of class I cannot take.

When I try to study I am so weak,

Before I know it I'm sound asleep!

I want to learn, this I know,

but in my actions, it doesn't show.

I try as hard, as hard as I can,

but fail to do what I had planned.

But Lord what can I do,

is there something I can get from you,

something that will give me a new spurt,

Something to make me more alert?

Maybe you'd give me a new vision,

one that would give me a mission,

or would it help if I heard,

from you a brand new word?

Maybe all I need to do,

is to deaply desire more of you,

maybe I should simply learn,

for others to have more concern.

Give me a chance, Lord this day,

To help someone else, this I pray,

and my joy will be spurned,

when I can share something I've learded.

Here is another old poem.

Oh Lord how long will it be,

untill your miracles I will see?

You have told us to walk by your word,

not by what can be seen or heard.

But as time passes by,

I too often ask myself "Why?"

For it is easy to believe for an hour,

when we so quickly see your power,

but when we must stand longer,

our hearts within us begin to hunger,

to do what we can do,

without reaching out in prayer to you!

Now, one last poem.

I am the Lord thy God

Who formed you out of the sod.

I shaped you with my hand,

and gave you the ability to stand.

I breathed into you the breath of life,

yet with that breath you brought strife.

For I created you a lot like me,

And I gave you a will that is free.

Yet you willed to rebel,

your life you chose to sell.

Your actions you try to hide,

yet I can see deap inside.

You cry out to be free again,

and so out of my perfect plan,

I sent to you my very son,

I chose Him to be the one,

to suffer pain and agony,

that through Him you might see,

the path that is truely straight,

the one that leads to my gate.

And through Him I call to you,

to a life, a life that is new,

so you can again be set free,

free to be a lot like me.