

“Self-preferencing and Search Neutrality in Online Retail Platforms,” with Tianxin Zou, forthcoming at Management Science

"Antitrust Regulation," with D. Daniel Sokol, Journal of Law and Innovation (2024)

“Data-driven Budget Allocation of Retail Media by Ad Product, Funnel Metric, and Brand Size,” with Vivian Qin and Koen Pauwels, Journal of Marketing Analytics (2024) 

“Endogenous Consumption and Metered Paywalls,” with Yogesh Joshi and Chutian Wang, Marketing Science (2023)

Competing for Recommendations: The Strategic Impact of Personalized Product Recommendations in Online Marketplaces,” with Tianxin Zou, Marketing Science (2023)

"Sponsored Content Advertising in a Two-Sided Market," with Prabirendra Chatterjee, Management Science (2021)

"Product Line Design in the Presence of Consumers' Anticipated Regret," with Baojun Jiang and Tianxin Zou, Management Science (2020)

"Competition of Content Acquisition and Distribution under Consumer Multi-Purchase," with Baojun Jiang and Lin Tian, Journal of Marketing Research (2019)

"Allowing Consumers to Bundle Themselves: The Profitability of Family Plans," with Preyas Desai and Debu Purohit, Marketing Science (2018)

"The Strategic Role of Exchange Promotions," with Preyas Desai and Debu Purohit, Marketing Science (2016)

"Do Firms Endowed with Greater Strategic Capability Earn Higher Profits?," with Wilfred Amaldoss and Carla Mela, Journal of Marketing Research (2015)

"The Effect of Slotting Allowances," with Preyas Desai and Debu Purohit in D. Teece and A. Augier (Eds.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management, Eds. London: Palgrave McMillan (2014)

Selected Working Papers

"Product Line Design with Data Speed Throttling," with Debu Purohit (Under 2nd round review at Marketing Science)

“First-Party Content Production in Competitive Media Markets,” with Xuelian Qin and Lin Tian (Under review)

“Product Improvement and Guaranteed Upgrades,” with Preyas Desai and Debu Purohit (Working paper available)

Selected Work-in-Progress

Seminars and Conference Talks

“Buy Now, Pay Later: Independent Versus Integrated Consumer Installment Plans,” with Buqing Ma and Ying-Ju Chen

“How Does Best Seller Recommendation Shape the Ecosystem of an Online Marketplace?” with Farzad Fathi and Yi Xu

“Search Neutrality and Competition Between First-Party and Third-Party Products,” with Tianxin Zou

Competing for Recommendations: The Strategic Impact of Personalized Product Recommendations in Online Marketplaces,” with Tianxin Zou

"Pricing Under Uncertainty: Data Throttling and Pay-As-You-Go," with Debu Purohit

UTD-Frontiers of Research in Marketing Science (UTD-FORMS)

"Sponsored Content Advertising in a Two-Sided Market," with Prabirendra Chatterjee 

“Flat-rate Bias: Three-part Plans and Quality Degradation,” with Preyas Desai and Debu Purohit

“Transparent or Disguised: The Impact of Sponsored Content Advertising on Two-Sided Media Platforms,” with Prabirendra Chatterjee

“Competitive Couponing,” with Preyas Desai and Debu Purohit

“Product Line Design in the Presence of Flat-Rate Bias,” with Preyas Desai and Debu Purohit 

“Family Plans: Market Segmentation with Non-linear Pricing”

“The Strategic Role of Exchange Promotions,” with Preyas Desai and Debu Purohit

“Product Improvement and Guaranteed Future Buybacks,” with Preyas Desai and Debu Purohit    


Editorial Board: Decision Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Retailing, Marketing Science

Reviewer: American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, European Journal of Operational Research, Information Systems Research, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Management Science, Marketing Science, Operations Research, OR Spectrum, Production and Operations Management, Research Policy

Other Reviews: Alden G. Clayton Dissertation Proposal Award (2019), Mary Kay Doctoral Dissertation Competition (2018)

Conference Reviewing: International Conference on Information Systems (2017)

Conference Scientific Committee: 8th International Conference on Economics, Business and Management (ICEBM 2017)