Awards & Honors


Boston University Platform Research Symposium Faculty Fellow (2024)

Honoree at Maryland Research Excellence Celebration (2024)

Marketing Science Service Award (2024)

Emerging Fellow at Smith, Smith School of Business, University of Maryland (2023 - 2028)

INFORMS Management Science Distinguished Service Award (2022)

Boston University Platform Symposium Alessandro di Fiore Best Paper Award (2022)

INFORMS Management Science Distinguished Service Award (2021)

INFORMS Management Science Distinguished Service Award (2020)

Marketing Science Institute (MSI) Young Scholar (2019)

AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Faculty, New York University (2019)

INFORMS Management Science Meritorious Service Award (2017)

Finalist, John D.C. Little Best Paper Award, Marketing/Management Science (2017) (Awarded annually for the best marketing paper published in Marketing Science/Management Science)

INFORMS Management Science Meritorious Service Award (2016)

AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Fellow, University of Washington, Seattle (2012)


Allen J. Krowe Award for Teaching Excellence, Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, College Park (2024)

Distinguished Teaching Award (Top 10%), Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, College Park (2023-2024)

Distinguished Teaching Award (Top 10%), Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, College Park (2021-2022)

Nomination to Donna B. Hamilton Teaching Awards, University of Maryland, College Park, 2022

Distinguished Teaching Award (Top 10%), Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, College Park (2020-2021)

University Teaching Innovation Grant ($7,000), University of Maryland, College Park, 2020

Distinguished Teaching Award (Top 10%), Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, College Park (2018-2019)

Distinguished Teaching Award (Top 10%), Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, College Park (2017-2018)

Distinguished Teaching Award (Top 10%), Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, College Park (2016-2017)

Allen J. Krowe Award for Teaching Excellence, Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, College Park (2016)

Distinguished Teaching Award (Top 10%), Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, College Park (2015-2016)

Inaugural Faculty Member of Distinction Awards, Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, College Park (2015-2016)

Most Valuable Professor (MVP) by Men's Soccer Team, University of Maryland, College Park (2015-2016)

Philip Merrill Presidential Scholar Mentor, University of Maryland, College Park (2015-2016)

Distinguished Teaching Award (Top 10%), Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, College Park (2014-2015)

AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Faculty, University of Washington, Seattle (2012)

Graduate Fellowship, Fuque School of Business, Duke University (2009-2014)

Excellence in Teaching: Outstanding TA Award, University of Southern California (2008-2009)

Best TA Award, Department of Economics, University of Southern California (2008-2009)

Summer Research Fellowship, U.S.-China Institute, University of Southern California (2007)

College Graduate Fellowship Award, University of Southern California (2006)