Bird Family ticklist
The Bird Families Android application is complementary to the Birding Checklists. Based on IOC 7.3, it contains 240 bird families and 10,852 bird species - a complete world-wide listing. You can tick the birds you have seen (optionally including date and location). You can import the lifelists from the Birding Checklist applications so the applications will always be in sync. Basic statistics and reporting is included. Some birders like to keep track of the bird families they have seen, and this application is a quick and easy way to do that.
** IMPORTANT UPDATE - these applications were first developed 10 years ago for Android 2.1. Over the years Google has made changes, and from Android 11 which will be mandatory in 2H21, I will no longer be able to publish updates or support these applications. Sorry folks, there is no simple fix to meet Google's new security requirements; the Birding Checklists will need to be rewritten. I will keep them on the Google Play store for as long as possible, but they are now in sunset and do not currently have any plans for a replacement. **
Bird Family ticklist is available from the Google Play store.
Sample screenshots