
The application installation from the Google Play store does not include the resource files, such as the bird photos and calls. These resources are important for most users. There are a number of reasons why these files cannot be convenient installed when the application is purchased:

    1. Some checklists have over 100 MB of resource files. This size was too large for the Google Play store when the application was first developed.

    2. Large downloads take a long time through the Google Play store, which is often temperamental and glitches can occur over a 3G link. Using the PC broadband link to download large files is far more reliable.

    3. Minimizing the amount of phone memory used by the application (SD card space is cheap and abundant).

    4. Increased used flexibility. Including the resource files with the application results in the files being inaccessible to the user. The manual SD card installation allows the user to add/change/delete any or all of the resource files.

To obtain the resource files, you must:

    1. Download the resources from the hosting site (listed below)

    2. Unzip the files on your PC

    3. Copy the files to the correct folders on the SD card (or internal memory) of your smartphone or tablet device

The files are hosted on, and the URL is provided in the Help window of your birding application. For most Birding Checklists there are four zipped files to download, unzip and copy to the phone:

    • photos

    • sounds (bird calls)

    • rangemaps

    • extended text descriptions

Some checklists include other optional files, such as sample video's and alternate language support.

==> A readme file with detailed installation instructions is included at each download site.

==> Additional installation help is provided here.