Automatic Rice Cooker

2x1 WDIRC 

Fig. 1 the design of "Water Dispenser with Intelligent Rice Cooker, WDIRC" with remote control.


1. Introduction to Ping-Hua/BinVa/BinWha Chang

This is a personal website for PhD BinVa Chang (張炳華 博士)

PhD BinVa Chang, his official name in the passport of Taiwan is Ping-Hua Chang,  and usually he also used BinWha Chang to be his academic name for research publish. 

Profile of PhD BinVa Chang's, he was born in July, 1967 in Taichung, Taiwan, and was growing up in Xindian, New Taipei city, Taiwan. His dad is a Veteran retreated from mainland China (Mr. Chi Chang) since year 1949, and his Mom is Mrs. Hwang-Shi Chang (a house wife). He began his learning course since year 1973, he was an alumni of Ankeng elementary school (year 1973 to 1979) and New Taipei Municipal AnKang high school (year 1979 to 1982). In a high school phase, his study when he was in Taipei Municipal Muzha vocation high school  (year 1982 to 1985) was electric engineering, major skills were to design and repair motor, generator or industrial wiring. Then he went into a two years college school (year 1985-1987, Department of Refrigeration , Air-Conditioning and Energy Engineering, NCUT, Taiwan)  for studing the technologies on refrigeration and air-condition engineering, after he graduated from this school, Mr. BinVa  Chang got his 22 months millitary service in Hsinchu air base for working on the processing of word (year 1987-1989 ). After he completed his millitary duty service, he launched his professional carrer in refrigeration and air-condition company(Carrier air condition), analog communication company (an antenan manufacturer, Taiwan Shining Co. Ltd.,), In the late of year 1990, he passed his "Junior Civil Service Examination" on electronic engineering and entered into the Special Police Forth Headquarters for serving an assistant technician on communication device repair. the year 1991, he passed the "Junior Civil Service Examination" once again, and changed his job into another organization (year 1991 to 1995, Meteorological Instruments Center, Central weather bureau, Taiwan), at this time, his job was working on the repairing of weather sensing devices. Next to this, he hoped to advance his profession knowledge and skill, in year 1995, he passed his entrance examine of "Institute of bio-medical engineering, NCKU" (year 1995 to 1997), and to be guided by Prof. Hsien-Chang Chang, the study topic was "Development and Application of Series Piezoelectric Quartz Crystal Sensor in Rapid Determination of Microorganism", a rapid screeing technology to be developed by PhD BinVa Chng, it was useful for clinical and research application on monitoring the real status of bacterial especial for its growth and drug resistance study.  After he completed his mater degree,  he continuely studied  on his PhD program (year 1997 to 2004) in the same institute, the study topic changed to the fied of tumor cell monitoring, he developed a monitoring platform by using electric impedance signal for quantifying the status of tumor cell such as cell suspension, attachement, flatten, migration, division and death etc... it was very useful to dynamic monitor the behaviors of tumor cell, and we can use it to study the bio-compatible of artifical material implanted into our body such as dental, orthopedic and vessel material. its title was "Development of Bio-Sensing Technology Based on Electrical Impedance Analysis" and this technolgy to be developed an efficient quantiative tool by named as ECIS measuring platform.  It had been used in clinical test for tumor cell quantiative analysis. In year 1999, Mr. BinVa Chang got his faculty position in the Department of Hospital Administration, Hungkuang University (now changd to Department of Health Business Administration, Hungkuang Univeristy, Taiwan), he started his position on lecturer and promoted be an assistant professor since year 2005 to the present,  

By the present, three types of academic study or specialty that he has, the one is studying on the field of bio-medical engineering such as bio-sensor and bio-technology development, electric impedance analysis,  flow injection analysis and medical device design. another one is to study the field of health care management, e.g.,  sleep disorder, emotion (pressure, depression, anxiety) related quality of health, patient safety, long-term care, hospital administration, PZB gap model, and theory of planned behavior. Finally, his alternate  focus is on the study of emergent technology like as IOT, IOT-Ecommerce, big data analysis, smart appliance & house development, block chain, and artificial intelligence. 

Now, he founded a startup company thEating Inc., since March, 2018, thEating Inc., the company focuses on the development of smart cooking appliances, his first innovative product was a "smart towel with self-administration on health  by multiple segment designed",  and his secondary innovative product was a "Socket cover lid structure attached with AC/DC power supply", this product can solve the charging problem of mobile device in a house without DC adapter, it's so convient for modern people to charge their mobile products, the third innovative product was a "Water Dispenser with Intelligent Rice Cooker, WDIRC", this product solves the problem of daily rice cooking by manual operation, it can operate by a smart mobile device (such as mobile phone, notepad, laptop or desket top) through a 5G cloud network, by one button design that you can easy cook a meal with rice, and also to provide a drinking water supply for daily living use. Moreover, the founder PhD BinVa Chang, he also improved this device by adding a grinder into the WDIRC, it was named as WDIRC+G(the secondary generation of WDIRC) for people to grind grains such as  red bean, mung bean, soybean, black soybean or cereal etc., and he applied this idea to get eleven countries utility patent(Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Mainland China, Hongkong, USA, Canada, Australia, Thailand, Malaysia and India). Moreover, an additional innovation that had created by PhD BinVa Chang also, that is a "Built-in universal pressure cooker lid", it can promote the performance and efficiency of WDIRC/WDIRC+G, those of all products will produce at year 2022 or later. This is a new beging for PhD BinVa Chang, he trusts he can be successful on this work finally. 

Regarding the profile of PhD BinVa Chang, that you can also refer his Autobiography, Profile, Patents, Publications and Projects by linked.

2.  Invention on a Smart IOT-Ecommerce appliance (WDIRC)

2.1 Innovation & Creativity, his most important contribution to the world is to invent "a smart rice cooking appliance", also named as "WDIRC (water dispenser with intelligent rice cooker) , it facilitates the the cooking of rice by a remote and automatic  control way  without any manual operations.  Through this way, it is easy to connect the cloud service and to provide a customized service for clients, as you know to cooking meal this is a difficult thing for you or your family daily, it needs to manual operate and to spend much time, till our innovation products, no automatic devices can solve this problem. This device is shown in Fig. 1&2, through this design that we can share the function of water dispenser either for cooking water or drinking water use. It's convient for modern people especially for smart house or smart kitchen application, people can use this device to cook their meal by a distance control, and to real-time monitor the status of cooking meal, further more this appliance can add a grinder for grinding grains such as soy bean, red bean, green bean, wheat etc.., it's easy changing to a grain processor for cooking soups such as red bean, green bean, soy bean milk or mixed beans. 

2.2 WDIRC device (Patent protected), a best innovative and powerful cooking device in the world, it was invented by PhD. BinVa Chang since this idea to be concepted in 2008. Till now, why we did cook rice without any automatic machine, is it not available or not necessary?  Trust us, we still haven't it a fully automatic rice cooker to overcome the issue by now, and no good solution to be executed as we know. That's why PhD. BinVa Chang to invent this smart appliance to the world.  The structure and application scenario of WDIRC is shown in the figure 1 and 2, respectively.  It is to be useful as a smart cooker and to provide water drinking. 

The detail description of WDIRC is linked to the page of "introduction of WDIRC", that you can refer it over there. 

Figure 2.  A structure diagram of water dispenser with intelligent rice cooker (WDIRC)

2.3 IOT-Ecommerce model, a newest application combines the WDIRC into a cloud service with goods flow, business flow, money flow, service flow and information flow . The invention of WDIRC shapes the future of E-commerce on foods buying such as rice, bean, wheat, or grain. When the commands or responses enter into the cloud service, that data analysis can be done by the cloud analysis engine or algorithm, and then a personal service will be delivered through logistics. So the provider of foods or goods would be able to implement their marketing strategy to optimize the market share and size. How to benefit the development, that’s based on the infrastructure of information exchange, money flow and service delivery which progress to be had in houses. As we know the step of IOT application is closing to us, customization and personalization are the future of cooking style. By this change, the data and parameter can be store in the cloud for providing the customized and personalized services such as cooking time, cooking type, cooking amount, and cooking quality etc. Moreover, consumer experiences can engage in the supply chain of foods through this system. They can get a certain service from cloud suggestions based on their cooking favorites. 

Figure 3. Illustration of IOT-Ecommerce by WDIRC and cloud service

2.4 Global market forecast to WDIRC, regarding the forecast of WDIRC sells in the world, generally the market is wide and broad to us that's based on its commonness and practice. According to the market survey report in the year 2017, The global smart home market (year 2017) is worth approximately $25 billion excluding smart TVs and residential solar power systems.  As smart home application prices drop and their availability increases, their penetration will increase too. We estimate the total smart home market will creep up to more than $300 billion in 2025 and then explode in five application categories to approximately $500 billion in 2030, when it will represent more than 40 percent of the total home appliance market. Likewise with the intelligent technology advancing,  kitchen appliances market is a rapidly growing market due to rapid change in the lifestyle of consumers and information communication technology, globally. Higher disposable income among people, especially in the emerging economies and growing awareness about health are some the major factors driving the growth of global kitchen appliances market. Based on the development of IOT, the changes of kitchen appliances are more rapid than ever. The prediction of global market trend in smart kitchen appliance, this market will rise up to 203.4 billion at year 2020.  The increase of CAGR (compound annual growth rate) is approximately 6% per year, if we consider the factors of technology such as IOT, AI, big data, EC, and unman operation etc. on kitchen market, that  will increase than this prediction more times. This is a huge and big growth market, and it will impact a lot of peoples to change their life styles with smart appliances. As we think when the convenience is coming, the market growth will be exponential expanded to the smart house.  Meanwhile by the data analysis from many global market surveys, we know this product WDIRC is very competitive and potential in the future smart house market, it can combine the IOT, E-commerce, AI, online payment, unman driving and big data analysis to open an innovation and customized service for our clients, and then to create a huge wealth for people doing this job,  so this is a best chance to join us for developing a new era in the field of smart kitchen. 

Figure 4. Forecast of global kitchen appliance market by year 2013 to 2030

3. On line comments 

4. Contact information

If you are interesting on this product cooperation, that you can direct contact me by the following ways, or you can fill out the following form, I can contact you by your affiliation. 

Ps1. Call for investors to invest this project

Ps2. Call for volunteers to help this project

Ps3. Call for team member to join us

BinVa Chang@Line

BinVa Chang@WeChat

BinVa Chang@Linkedin

5. Form for cooperation intent

6. Where we are?

I am a Taiwanese and lived in Taichung city, by now we are a startup company without a formal office still, so if you would like to contact us, please send your message by email or by social media, and we would like to answer you questions as soon, thanks.