Revenue Forecast

by Countries

1. Revenue estimation by countries

According to market research firm Markets and Markets recently released a report said that the global smart home market will reach 122 billion US dollars in 2022, 2016-2022 average annual growth rate of 14%. Smart Home Product Category covers lighting, security, heating, air conditioning, entertainment, medical care, kitchen supplies. The potential of the smart home industry has attracted a great deal of capital to join, including traditional hard-ware enterprises, internet companies and real estate home improvement enterprises, which have all taken the lead in the smart home market. Google, Apple, Microsoft, Samsung, Huawei, Xiaomi, Meizu and many other technology companies into the game, in its efforts, the global smart home industry prospects. In the meantime, the continuous development of mobile communications technology continues to provide smart home industry with strong technical support, including 5G technology, Bluetooth 5, the next generation of WiFi standards have a clear commercial timetable. As more and more new technologies emerge, the integration with the smart home will generate strong synergies such as artificial intelligence, speech recognition and deep learning technologies, all of which are constantly pushing forward the smart home industry and striving for the integration with smart home technologies Deep integration. Smart home products will become more and more popular, more and more detailed classification, the types of products involved will be more. Remote control will have some development, but will eventually be replaced by a complete system of intelligent home.

2. China

The forecast of WDIRC selling can be shown in Table 1 during the first ten years since product listed. Here the assumptions of households, occupancy ratio, initial sale, selling price, and manufacture cost are 455,940,000, 0.0080%, 36,475, 250 and 200, respectively. The first year is set as the baseline for comparison with the following years, the sale volume, year penetration, revenue, cost and profit are 36,475 (sets), 80 (ppm), 9,118,800 (USD), 7,295,040 (USD) and 1,823,760 (USD), respectively. As we think, the growth rate with years will be 1, 2.46, 6.10, 9.77, 12.97, 16.75, 18.10, 20.46, 21.13 and 25 times over the first year. The year penetration of WDIRC will be from 80 ppm to 2000 ppm at the end of tenth year, the totally ownership (penetration) is close to 1.07%, it still is a low penetration ratio in China even WDIRC listed in market for ten years. However the revenue, manufacture cost and profit these three also present an ascending trend, the profit earned from China is about $ 45.594 million at the tenth year in an exclusive market, it owns a huge market and profit in this market. Totally according to our prediction and assumption, the selling in China will be up to 4,878,188 sets and the total owner ratio will be 10.699 ppm, even this, the penetration ratio is still lower than other consumption electric products such as TV, Refrigerator, Air conditioner, and Wash machine.

Table 1 To estimate the selling of WDIRC in China

Figure 1 To estimation the revenue of WDIRC selling in China market

How about the annual growth rate for selling WDIRC in China market is, Fig. 1 shows the result. Here the calculation of revenue can use this equation as “WDIRC’s Revenue = Annual growth rate * Year + Baseline”, the formula can be written in a mathematic equation in the figure. According to this regression by data simulation, the annual growth rate it take about 20M per year (r2 =0.9816), in other words, by averaged the annual revenue is 20M in China market for selling WDIRC products during the first decade.

3. Japan

The forecast of WDIRC selling can be shown in Table 2 during the first ten years since product launched. Here the assumptions of households, occupancy ratio, initial sale, selling price, and manufacture cost are 49,062,530, 0.0800%, 39,250, 350 and 200, respectively. The first year is set as the baseline for comparison with the following years, the sale volume, year penetration, revenue, cost and profit are 39,250 (sets), 800 (ppm), 13,737,508 (USD), 7,850,005 (USD) and 5,887,504 (USD), respectively. As we think, the growth rate with years will be 1, 2.19, 3.40, 3.98, 5.42, 8.90, 9.15, 12.26, 14.01 and 15 times over the first year. The year penetration of WDIRC will be from 800 ppm to 12,000 ppm at the end of tenth year, the totally ownership (penetration) is close to 60,248 ppm(6.02%), it still is a low penetration ratio in Japan even WDIRC listed in market for ten years. However the revenue, manufacture cost and profit these three also present an ascending trend, the profit earned from Japan is about $ 88.312 million at the tenth year in an exclusive market, it owns a huge market and profit in this market. Totally according to our prediction and assumption, the selling in Japan will be up to 2,955,916 sets, even this; the penetration ratio is still lower than other consumption electric products such as TV, Refrigerator, Air conditioner, and Wash machine.

Table 2 To estimate the selling of WDIRC in Japan

Figure 2 To estimation the revenue of WDIRC selling in Japan market

How about the annual growth rate for selling WDIRC in Japan market is, Fig. 2 shows the result. Here the calculation of revenue can use this equation as “WDIRC’s Revenue = Annual growth rate * Year + Baseline”, the formula can be written in a mathematic equation in Figure. According to this regression by data simulation, the annual growth rate it take about 20M per year (r2 =0.9753), in other words, by averaged the annual revenue is 20M in Japan market for selling WDIRC products during the first decade.

4. South Korea

The forecast of WDIRC selling can be shown in Table 3 during the first ten years since product launched. Here the assumptions of households, occupancy ratio, initial sale, selling price, and manufacture cost are 15,887,128, 0.0800%, 12,710, 350 and 200, respectively. The first year is set as the baseline for comparison with the following years, the sale volume, year penetration, revenue, cost and profit are 12,710 (sets), 800 (ppm), 4,448,396(USD), 2,541,940 (USD) and 1,906,455 (USD), respectively. As we think, the growth rate with years will be 1, 4.82, 6.93, 7.00, 7.44, 10.23, 10.78, 13.09, 14.86 and 18 times over the first year. The year penetration of WDIRC will be from 800 ppm to 14,400 ppm at the end of tenth year, the totally ownership (penetration) is close to 75,320 ppm (7.53%), it still is a low penetration ratio in South Korea even WDIRC listed in market for ten years. However the revenue, manufacture cost and profit these three also present an ascending trend, the profit earned from South Korea is about $ 34.31 million at the tenth year in an exclusive market, it owns a huge market and profit in this market. Totally according to our prediction and assumption, the selling in South Korea will be up to 1,196,615 sets, even this; the penetration ratio is still lower than other consumption electric products such as TV, Refrigerator, Air conditioner, and Wash machine.

Table 3 To estimate the selling of WDIRC in South Korea

Figure 3 To estimate the selling of WDIRC in South Korea

How about the annual growth rate for selling WDIRC in South Korea market? Fig. 3 shows the result. Here the calculation of revenue can use this equation as “WDIRC’s Revenue = Annual growth rate * Year + Baseline”, the formula can be written in a mathematic equation in Figure. According to this regression by data simulation, the annual growth rate it take about 7M per year (r2 =0.9594), in other words, by averaged the annual revenue is 7M in South Korea market for selling WDIRC products during the first decade.

5. Taiwan

The forecast of WDIRC selling can be shown in Table 4 during the first ten years since product launched. Here the assumptions of households, occupancy ratio, initial sale, selling price, and manufacture cost are 8,468,978, 0.0800%, 6,775, 350 and 200, respectively. The first year is set as the baseline for comparison with the following years, the sale volume, year penetration, revenue, cost and profit are 6,755 (sets), 800 (ppm), 2,371,314(USD), 1,355,036 (USD) and 1,016,277 (USD), respectively. As we think, the growth rate with years will be 1, 3.51, 3.80, 7.23, 8.80, 10.13, 12.92, 14.77, 16.77 and 20 times over the first year. The year penetration of WDIRC will be from 800 ppm to 16,000 ppm at the end of tenth year, the totally ownership (penetration) is close to 79,145 ppm (7.91%), it still is a low penetration ratio in Taiwan even WDIRC listed in market for ten years. However the revenue, manufacture cost and profit these three also present an ascending trend, the profit earned from Taiwan is about $ 20.325 million at the tenth year in an exclusive market, it owns a huge market and profit in this market. Totally according to our prediction and assumption, the selling in Taiwan will be up to 670,263 sets, even this; the penetration ratio is still lower than other consumption electric products such as TV, Refrigerator, Air conditioner, and Wash machine.

Table 4 To estimate the selling of WDIRC in Taiwan

Figure 4 To estimate the selling of WDIRC in Taiwan

How about the annual growth rate for selling WDIRC in Taiwan market? Fig. 4 shows the result. Here the calculation of revenue can use this equation as “WDIRC’s Revenue = Annual growth rate * Year + Baseline”, the formula can be written in a mathematic equation in Figure. The first year revenue is 2,371,314, according to this regression by data simulation, the annual growth rate it take about 5M per year (r2 =0.9902), in other words, by averaged the annual revenue is 5M in Taiwan market for selling WDIRC products during the first decade.

6. USA

The forecast of WDIRC selling can be shown in Table 5 during the first ten years since product launched. Here the assumptions of households, occupancy ratio, initial sale, selling price, and manufacture cost are 133,957,180, 0.0060%, 8,037, 350 and 200, respectively. The first year is set as the baseline for comparison with the following years, the sale volume, year penetration, revenue, cost and profit are 8,037 (sets), 60 (ppm), 2,813,101(USD), 1,607,486 (USD) and 1,205,615 (USD), respectively. As we think, the growth rate with years will be 1, 3.55, 5.50, 7.06, 8.04, 8.18, 8.71, 9.73, 11.64 and 12 times over the first year. The year penetration of WDIRC will be from 60 ppm to 720 ppm at the end of tenth year, the totally ownership (penetration) is close to 0.452%, it still is a low penetration ratio in United State even WDIRC listed in market for ten years. However the revenue, manufacture cost and profit these three also present an ascending trend, the profit earned from United State is about $ 14.467 million at the tenth year in an exclusive market, it owns a huge market and profit in this market. Totally according to our prediction and assumption, the selling in United State will be up to 606,098 sets, even this; the penetration ratio is still lower than other consumption electric products such as TV, Refrigerator, Air conditioner, and Wash machine.

Table 5 To estimate the selling of WDIRC in United State

Figure 5 To estimation the revenue of WDIRC selling in USA market

How about the annual growth rate for selling WDIRC in USA market; Fig. 5 shows the result. Here the calculation of revenue can use this equation as “WDIRC’s Revenue = Annual growth rate * Year + Baseline”, the formula can be written in a mathematic equation in Figure. According to this regression by data simulation, the annual growth rate it take about 3M per year (r2 =0.9402), in other words, by averaged the annual revenue is $3M in USA market for selling WDIRC product.

7. Hong Kong

The forecast of WDIRC selling can be shown in Table 6 during the first ten years since product launched. Here the assumptions of households, occupancy ratio, initial sale, selling price, and manufacture cost are 2,431,500, 0.0800%, 1,945, 350 and 200, respectively. The first year is set as the baseline for comparison with the following years, the sale volume, year penetration, revenue, cost and profit are 1,945 (sets), 800 (ppm), 680,820(USD), 389,040 (USD) and 291,780 (USD), respectively. As we think, the growth rate with years will be 1, 5.84, 7.16, 9.31, 11.43, 11.95, 14.74, 15.36, 15.91 and 16 times over the first year. The year penetration of WDIRC will be from 800 ppm to 12,800 ppm at the end of tenth year, the totally ownership (penetration) is close to 8.69%, it still is a low penetration ratio in Hong Kong even WDIRC listed in market for ten years. However the revenue, manufacture cost and profit these three also present an ascending trend, the profit earned from Hong Kong is about $ 4.668 million at the tenth year in an exclusive market, it owns a huge market and profit in this market. Totally according to our prediction and assumption, the selling in Hong Kong will be up to 211,439 sets, even this; the penetration ratio is still lower than other consumption electric products such as TV, Refrigerator, Air conditioner, and Wash machine.

Table 6 To estimate the selling of WDIRC in Hong Kong

Figure 6 To estimation the revenue of WDIRC selling in Hong Kong market

How about the annual growth rate for selling WDIRC in Hong Kong market? Fig. 6 shows the result. Here the calculation of revenue can use this equation as “WDIRC’s Revenue = Annual growth rate * Year + Baseline”, the formula can be written in a mathematics equation in Figure. According to this regression by data simulation, the annual growth rate it take about 1M per year (r2 =0.9245), in other words, by averaged the annual revenue is 1M in Hong Kong market for selling WDIRC product.