2024 Launch Schedule

All BSRA launches will be held at the Twin Bridges launch site.

Unless otherwise announced, launches will follow the Tripoli Safety Codes and the site is covered by Tripoli insurance for these launches. Members are urged to join Tripoli or NAR to obtain insurance as well.  High Power flyers must belong to one or the other and must be appropriately certified.  All adults who wish to fly rockets must belong to either Tripoli or NAR. Children may fly model rockets even without being members.

With the permission of the Tripoli Prefect, Research motors may be launched by Tripoli members of L2 or higher.  

The italicized entries in the list below are for the two national Tripoli launches.  All other launches shown in the list below are BSRA launches.

March 9 - Nice launch!  Cool and windy, but fun!  

April 13 - Nice launch!

May 11 - Nice launch!

June 15 - Nice launch!

July 13 - Cancelled!!!

August 10 - Probably Cancelled. We have never cancelled a July launch due to fire danger and been able to fly in August.

September 14

October 12

November 9

As a condition of our COA application we also had to submit our 2025 schedule so that is reproduced below.









