
Our thanks to CERMI.

In the UNED during the academic year 2-17-2018, 4156 students with physical disabilities were enrolled.

We reproduce as an example a conversation between a UNIDIS technician, and a student with reduced mobility:

TECHNICIAN: Hi, I am the student support technician at UNIDIS, the Centre that support UNED students with disabilities.

STUDENT: Hi! Good Morning,

TECHNICIAN: I have your application, and your request for accommodations, what do you think if we come to an agreement?

STUDENT: Perfect.

TECHNICIAN: You have limitations for mobility, and fine, and thick handling, don't you?

STUDENT: Exactly, I move in a motorized wheelchair.

TECHNICIAN: Then you use the computer for everything, right?

STUDENT: Indeed, to read, since I cannot handle physical books, and to write, since my tetraplegia prevents me from using my hands, although I can move my arms, and trunk.

TECHNICIAN: But do you have spasticity?

STUDENT: Yes, especially in the arms.

TECHNICIAN: Is your writing via a touch keyboard? or through a voice recognition program?

STUDENT: No, I write with my head, and a stick.

TECHNICIAN: Ok, you use a head with a pointer, so your writing speed is slower.

STUDENT: Obviously, I write letter by letter with what I would need 50% additional time, that is 1 hour more.

TECHNICIAN: Well, you can request books in digital support of those books, which according to the publisher, you can obtain them, or not.


TECHNICIAN: In the multiple-choice exams, you will only have the help of the examining board to fill in the optical reading sheet.


TECHNICIAN: I imagine you have not requested to take the open-end questions orally with an audio recorder because of the mild dysarthria you have.

STUDENT: Correct, and someone may not understand me.

TECHNICIAN: It is likely. You should know that the UNED exams have a maximum length of 2 hours, they cannot grant you 1 hour more to finish your exams.

STUDENT: Wow... then?

TECHNICIAN: We are going to ask to teachers of the two subjects whose exams have open end questions to adapt the exam to the multiple-choice type.

STUDENT: OK. What if the teachers disagree?

TECHNICIAN: Could you answer an exam with 4 short questions in 2 hours?

STUDENT: I ​​think so, if I don't have to draw figures, or diagrams...

TECHNICIAN: Okay, I'll call you after consulting them, and we'll agree on the accommodations.

STUDENT: Ok. Thank you.


Famous phrase: The important thing about this world is not so much where you are, but in which direction you are moving. Helen Keller.


Del 19 de octubre al 6 de noviembre 2020 en el centro Asociado  - UNED Calatayud

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