
Our thanks to the ONCE Foundation

In the 2017-2018 academic year, 704 students with visual disabilities have enrolled in the UNED.

We reproduce as an example a conversation between a UNIDIS technician, and a student with visual impairment:

TECHNICIAN: Good morning, I need to discuss with you the accommodations you have requested.

STUDENT: Good morning, tell me what you need to know.

TECHNICIAN: You have a visual impairment with functional rest to read, and write, right?

STUDENT: Yes, I still have some visual rest. I wear glasses with magnifying glasses.

TECHNICIAN: To read the exams, we can provide you a computer, or documents with the font enlarged to 14, 18, or 24 Arial, normal, or bold.

STUDENT: I ​​prefer font Arial 18 bold.

TECHNICIAN: OK. What do you need to answer open end questions?

STUDENT: At this moment, I handle myself better by hand writing.

TECHNICIAN: Ok. In the multiple-choice exams, we can ask to a member of the examining board to transfer the answers to the form.

STUDENT: Yes, please, that would help me a lot.

TECHNICIAN: Very good. With respect to the material, we have the mandatory bibliography in digital format, if it is published by UNED, or by any of the publishers with which we have an agreement.

STUDENT: The books I have this time are all from Editorial UNED.

TECHNICIAN: Great! There are discounts for students with disabilities. From my part, everything is already there.

STUDENT: I ​​have a question, what kind of accommodations can I request for tutoring sessions?

TECHNICIAN: You can ask your local Centre to reserve a seat in the front row. In addition, if material is provided in the classroom, you can request an adapted version.

STUDENT: Okay, thank you very much for the efforts, and for the information.

TECHNICIAN: It has been a pleasure. You will soon receive a communication with these accommodations. We are in contact. Good afternoon.

STUDENT: Thank you very much. Good afternoon.

Famous phrase: Direct your face towards the sunlight, and you will not see shadows. Helen Keller.


Del 19 de octubre al 6 de noviembre 2020 en el centro Asociado  - UNED Calatayud

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