UNED, reaching out to everyone!
Centre for Attention of University Students with Disabilities (UNIDIS)
UNIDIS, and UNED have received several awards for their activity, commitment, and promotion of people with disabilities, and diversity in general.
UNED motto: Wisdom moves more than anything that moves.
Our thanks to the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports.
The UNED was born in 1973 with a special commitment: the objective was to facilitate access to higher education to all those who required flexible conditions for study, for their geographical location, for working, for having family responsibilities, or for having some type of disability.
More than 8,900 students with disabilities have enrolled at UNED during the academic year 2018/2019.
The UNED 2018 Strategic Plan includes:
• Responsibility, and promotion in innovation, and research applied to the development of environments, products, services, and services that guarantee the principles of inclusion, universal accessibility, design for all, and independent living in favour of people with disabilities, or in situations of dependency.
• Strengthen access, permanence, success, and employability of students with disabilities.
• Strengthen awareness, promotion, and training towards diversity, full inclusion, and equal opportunities.
Centre for Attention of University Students with Disabilities (UNIDIS) functions:
• Information advice, and guidance to the university community.
• Management of accommodations of the teaching-learning, and evaluation processes to the needs derived from disability, or functional diversity.
• Training, and teaching support: Development of awareness, and training actions aimed at the university community.
• Accessibility: Coordination of actions to improve physical accessibility, and ICT.
• Employment: Development of actions to improve the employability of students, and graduates with disabilities.
• Document management: Information management on disability in the university environment. Accessible resource formats.
Featured Dates:
• 1995: First University in Spain that implemented free registrations for students with disabilities.
• 2000: Creation of the Integration Unit for students with disabilities.
• 2005: Creation of the Disability, and Volunteer Unit.
• 2008: Creation of the Centre for Attention to University Students with Disabilities (UNIDIS).
Registrations according to types of studies (Year 2018/2019)
• Access: 980
• Degree: 7292
• Master: 352
• Languages: 350
• Doctorate: sin dates
Del 19 de octubre al 6 de noviembre 2020 en el centro Asociado - UNED Calatayud
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Students according to the type of disability (Year 2018/2019)
• Physical: 4,826
• Psychic: 2,404
• Hearing: 682
• Visual: 862
• Unspecified: 1,305
Our thanks to the Royal Board of Disability.
Universal design, adaptive technologies, and accommodations coexist in our strategy. In the 2018/2019 academic year, we have received more than 1,500 requests for accommodations.
The process we follow is:
• Registration (Request for accommodations)
• Anamnesis
• Decision
• Resolution
• Application of the requested accommodations
Main types of accommodations:
1) Teaching-learning processes
a) Study, and Tutorials
• Sign language
• Personal assistant
• Personal support
• Volunteering
• Teaching materials
• Technical help
• Furniture
b) Evaluations
i) Local study Centres
• Technical help
• Accessibility
• Informatic support
• Space Management
• Furniture
ii) Examining boards
• Personal assistant
• Specific support
• Care giver
• Timing
• Location
iii) Teachers
• Contents
• Answer Format
• Exam Format
• Adapted Material
• Timing
• Correction
Famous phrase: I cannot change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination. Jimmy Dean
Our thanks to the ONCE Foundation
In the 2018/2019 academic year, 862 students with visual disabilities have enrolled in the UNED.
We reproduce as an example a conversation between a UNIDIS technician, and a student with visual impairment:
TECHNICIAN: Good morning, I need to discuss with you the accommodations you have requested.
STUDENT: Good morning, tell me what you need to know.
TECHNICIAN: You have a visual impairment with functional rest to read, and write, right?
STUDENT: Yes, I still have some visual rest. I wear glasses with magnifying glasses.
TECHNICIAN: To read the exams, we can provide you a computer, or documents with the font enlarged to 14, 18, or 24 Arial, normal, or bold.
STUDENT: I prefer font Arial 18 bold.
TECHNICIAN: OK. What do you need to answer open end questions?
STUDENT: At this moment, I handle myself better by hand writing.
TECHNICIAN: Ok. In the multiple-choice exams, we can ask to a member of the examining board to transfer the answers to the form.
STUDENT: Yes, please, that would help me a lot.
TECHNICIAN: Very good. With respect to the material, we have the mandatory bibliography in digital format, if it is published by UNED, or by any of the publishers with which we have an agreement.
STUDENT: The books I have this time are all from Editorial UNED.
TECHNICIAN: Great! There are discounts for students with disabilities. From my part, everything is already there.
STUDENT: I have a question, what kind of accommodations can I request for tutoring sessions?
TECHNICIAN: You can ask your local Centre to reserve a seat in the front row. In addition, if material is provided in the classroom, you can request an adapted version.
STUDENT: Okay, thank you very much for the efforts, and for the information.
TECHNICIAN: It has been a pleasure. You will soon receive a communication with these accommodations. We are in contact. Good afternoon.
STUDENT: Thank you very much. Good afternoon.
Famous phrase: Direct your face towards the sunlight, and you will not see shadows. Helen Keller.
Our thanks to COCEMFE
In the UNED during the academic year 2018/2019, 4826 students with physical disabilities were enrolled.
We reproduce as an example a conversation between a UNIDIS technician, and a student with reduced mobility:
TECHNICIAN: Hi, I am the student support technician at UNIDIS, the Centre that support UNED students with disabilities.
STUDENT: Hi! Good Morning,
TECHNICIAN: I have your application, and your request for accommodations, what do you think if we come to an agreement?
STUDENT: Perfect.
TECHNICIAN: You have limitations for mobility, and fine, and thick handling, don't you?
STUDENT: Exactly, I move in a motorized wheelchair.
TECHNICIAN: Then you use the computer for everything, right?
STUDENT: Indeed, to read, since I cannot handle physical books, and to write, since my tetraplegia prevents me from using my hands, although I can move my arms, and trunk.
TECHNICIAN: But do you have spasticity?
STUDENT: Yes, especially in the arms.
TECHNICIAN: Is your writing via a touch keyboard? or through a voice recognition program?
STUDENT: No, I write with my head, and a stick.
TECHNICIAN: Ok, you use a head with a pointer, so your writing speed is slower.
STUDENT: Obviously, I write letter by letter with what I would need 50% additional time, that is 1 hour more.
TECHNICIAN: Well, you can request books in digital support of those books, which according to the publisher, you can obtain them, or not.
TECHNICIAN: In the multiple-choice exams, you will only have the help of the examining board to fill in the optical reading sheet.
TECHNICIAN: I imagine you have not requested to take the open-end questions orally with an audio recorder because of the mild dysarthria you have.
STUDENT: Correct, and someone may not understand me.
TECHNICIAN: It is likely. You should know that the UNED exams have a maximum length of 2 hours, they cannot grant you 1 hour more to finish your exams.
STUDENT: Wow... then?
TECHNICIAN: We are going to ask to teachers of the two subjects whose exams have open end questions to adapt the exam to the multiple-choice type.
STUDENT: OK. What if the teachers disagree?
TECHNICIAN: Could you answer an exam with 4 short questions in 2 hours?
STUDENT: I think so, if I don't have to draw figures, or diagrams...
TECHNICIAN: Okay, I'll call you after consulting them, and we'll agree on the accommodations.
STUDENT: Ok. Thank you.
Famous phrase: The important thing about this world is not so much where you are, but in which direction you are moving. Helen Keller.
Our thanks to CNSE.
At UNED during the 2018/2019 academic year, 682 students with hearing impairment were enrolled.
We reproduce as an example a conversation between a UNIDIS technician, and a student with hearing impairment:
TECHNICIAN: Good morning, I get in touch with you to manage the accommodations you have requested.
STUDENT: Good morning, thank you very much.
TECHNICIAN: I have already seen in the reports that you have prelocutive deafness, and are an LSE user (Spanish Sign Language)
STUDENT: Yes, that's why I request an interpreter for tutorials, and exams.
TECHNICIAN: Do you already know the hours of your tutorial sessions?
STUDENT: Yes, I have looked at them on the website of my Local study Centre. I will send them to you this afternoon.
TECHNICIAN: Ok, then I will contact the CNSE Foundation (deafness association). When I confirm the service, I will notify you.
STUDENT: Perfect.
TECHNICIAN: The exams schedule can also be seen on the UNED website. You will tell me later.
STUDENT: Ok. I have also requested some more time on exams. I have reading, and writing difficulties: I make some spelling mistakes, and confound words, pronouns, etc. I have sent you a report on this.
TECHNICIAN: Yes, I have already read it.
STUDENT: I work hard to improve my writing, but my mother tongue is Sign Language.
TECHNICIAN: We can provide you 30 minutes in addition for each exam. In addition, we will transfer these difficulties to the teachers so that they will take them into account to correct your open-end questions.
STUDENT: That is just what I need. One more thing… I have read on the virtual campus of two subjects that use mandatory videos, and I need subtitles.
TECHNICIAN: I will inform the UNIDIS accessibility technician, and he will contact you shortly.
STUDENT: Oh, okay, I will do it as soon as possible. Thank you so much for everything.
TECHNICIAN: Thank you very much, and welcome. We are in contact.
Famous phrase: There are no differences when you have a reason. Jane Austen.
Our thanks to CERMI.
Accommodations: modifications, or adjustments made in order to respond to educational needs arising from situations of disability, or specific educational support.
Resolution: Rectoral order ratifying the granting of accommodations for the realization of face-to-face exams.
Virtualization: digitalization of exams with accommodations for face-to-face exams through the general application tool designed for this purpose.
Processes involved:
1) Students request accommodations for the learning, and evaluation process.
2) At central services:
a) The secretary of face-to-face exams:
i) Set the exam schedule;
ii) Sign the resolution of accommodations.
3) The Inspection Service:
a) Resolves the incidents that occurred in the exams related to the development of accommodations.
4) Local study Centres:
a) Participates in the development of the Presence Tests, and in the application of the accommodations;
b) Provides classrooms, and resources for practices, and tutorials to take place;
c) Assist students in the enrolment process;
d) Receive the lists of accommodations that are going to be made in their centre;
5) The tutors orient the students in questions related to the content of the subjects and participate in their continuous evaluation.
6) The Faculties, and Schools:
a) Are in charge of the process of enrolment, and validation of the students.
7) Teachers:
a) Support students who request accommodations for the teaching, and learning process, and evaluation.
b) Make the accommodations of their exams and will subsequently virtualize them. Sometimes they make accommodations in the tasks and documents.
c) Participate as examining boards in the face-to-face exams that are carried out in the local study Centres. Also, sometimes examinations are performed at home, or clinics according to students’ disabilities.
a) Value, and proposes accommodations in the learning, and evaluation process.
UNIDIS structure:
a. Technical direction.
b. Administration.
C. Psychopedagogical Department.
d. Department of Technological, and Documentary Support.
1) Has about 10,000 workers including administrative and technical staff, teachers, and tutors.
2) Has 69 national local study Centres, and 18 foreign local study Centres.
Famous phrase: The person with a disability is not the one who lives with the disability, but the one who does not understand it, and does not know how to face it.
Our thanks to the SAPDU.
The new accessibility plan will guarantee the entire process of editing and publishing accessible educational materials at the university.
The UNED works with the philosophy of Design for All, allowing all educational materials to be usable by the greatest number of people regardless of their needs.
Review of the accessibility of the buildings of the UNED Headquarters, especially of the units to which students’ access.
• New platforms, and management software
• AA level compliance of accessibility
• New information organization
• New design with usability in mind
• New formats: epub 3, online digital books with subscription
• AA level compliance of accessibility
• Consultancy, and advice to the university community of UNED
• Accommodation of materials in electronic format
• Training for PAS, and PDI
• New ways to access information from any device
Famous phrase: Discrimination is the main disability impediment.
Our thanks to Live with Spasticity.
At UNED, throughout the years, training has been given in relation to the diverse capacities in: 28 degrees, 76 masters, 160 summer courses, and more than 60 courses of open UNED (IEDRA, and COMA).
A relevant part of the teaching of the UNED is oriented towards the achievement of conceptual, educational, and technological foundations in relation to diverse capacities.
• Degrees with specific subjects
• University Master's Degree in Educational Treatment of Diversity
• Subjects in other masters
• Doctorate
• Vulnerability
• Inclusion
• Citizenship
• Disability
• Dependency
• Sign language
• Communication
• Diversity
• Accessibility
• Personalized teaching
• Design for everyone
• Universality
• Technologies
• Digital materials
• Summer courses
• Conferences
• Continuous training for teachers and administrative staff
• Cooperation
• Courses
• Seminars
• Events
• Journeys
• Chair of Digital Inclusion UNED-Vodafone Foundation Spain
• ADENU (fora)
• TABA_ International Research
• Centre for Studies on Aging, and Neurodegenerative Diseases
• RISEWISE: European Mobility Project Marie Sklowsdoka Curie-Rise “Rise Women with Disabilities in Social Engagement”
• Accessibility, audiovisual translation, and language learning.
• Minixmodular: modular digital teaching material in minis format.
• Articles
• Social networks
• e-Spacio (open access documents)
• Scientific production
• Press magazines
• UNED Channel
• Monographic publications
• Doctoral thesis
• Fora
Famous phrase: In weakness, there is strength.
Our thanks to ONCE.
For an accessible reading. Do not underline books in libraries, screen reader programs that people with visual impairments use to read cannot interpret underlined texts.
THE LIBRARY has been adapting, progressively, since 2010, and based on the legislative framework of the Statute of the University Student (RD179 / 2010), virtual, and technological environments, as well as information, and training services, and resources, aligning with Strategy 2. 4., defined in the Strategic Guidelines of the UNED 2018-2021 to reinforce the inclusive will, guaranteeing a high level of accessibility in the contents, resources, and supports.
• Broader loans, and easy returns
• Interlibrary loan for students with disabilities of the Local study Centre of Madrid
• Home loan in collaboration with the UNIDIS Volunteer Office
• Guide to accessible services in Braille
• Individual study stations with adapted computers, and programs
• Perceptible markers
• Vertical, and horizontal accessibility
• Personalized attention for the realization of bibliographic searches, and location of funds
• Personnel with knowledge of sign language in the application of accommodations
• In collaboration with UNIDIS, the Department of Artificial Intelligence, and the UNED-Vodafone Foundation of Technology, and Accessibility Chair
• “For an accessible reading”
Famous phrase: Use the skills you have; don't focus on the ones you don't have.
Our thanks to Fundación Universia.
In the last five years, our bag of volunteers to help students with disabilities has exceeded 300 volunteers.
UNIDIS, Centre for Attention to University Students with Disabilities of the UNED, assumes, since 2007, the functions of the former Office of Volunteering, with the firm objective of responding to the concerns of our university community, and promoting equal opportunities of students with disabilities at UNED.
• Do you need accompaniment to tutorials, exams, and /, or procedures in Local study Centres?
• Do you need help with the library loan, and information search?
• Do you need support in the learning process of students with disabilities: taking notes…?
The Volunteer Plan includes the incorporation of volunteers from the different levels that make up the UNED to provide assistance to students with disabilities in the enrolment, reception, development of the teaching-learning process, as well as the preparation, and assistance to the evaluations.
• Information, advice, and collaboration to any member of the UNED, UNED services, and /, or Local study Centres
• Raise awareness among the university community regarding disability, and non-discrimination.
• Raise awareness about volunteering in general
• Promote the participation of the university community in actions aimed at the inclusion, in equal rights, of students with disabilities.
• Training for the university community regarding disability
For Solidarity, and Cooperation Activities, UNIDIS grants up to 2 ECTS.
• Volunteer plan
• You are a student with a disability
• Granting of credits
Become a volunteer!
Famous phrase: In life everything is balance. Since I have only one leg, I understand very well. Sandy Fussell