"We shall not cease from exploration, And (not?) the end of all our exploring, Will be to arrive where we started, And know the place for the first time...."
Good words from T.S. Eliot (and good use by fictitious Prof. Bobby Long!) and quite apt for the field of Geomatics where I believe more information is revealed by each re-visit to a location. Keep using tools of the Geomatics trade and keep at it till it is mapped forever!
Some of the tools I use for my earthly explorations are Geomatics engg, Information Technology, Geo-informatics and ICT for sustainable development, Knowledge-based expert systems, AI, Remote Sensing, Mapping, Digital (Satellite) Image Processing, Geo-spatial & land use land cover analysis, Geographical Info. Sys. (GIS), Distributed GIS, WebGIS, GIS for Urban Planning, Intelligent Urban/Traffic Systems, SDIs, LBS, LOD, IoT, Sensor Web, Smart City GIS, Location Intelligence, Geodesy, GNSS Global Pos. Sys. (GPS), Photogrammetry, Geo-hazard warning / alert systems, Digital Surveying, Multi Agent Simulations, Apache Hadoop & Big Data, Disaster Management.
Interested? Join me!
With the support of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND grant agreement No. 801215, TRAIN@Ed: 'Transnational Research And Innovation Network At Edinburgh’ and the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal Data-Driven Innovation Initiative.