COVID19 + Ceasefires Dashboard Edinburgh University

We at the PeaceTech Group, School of Law (and School of Informatics along with School of Design), along with partners and stakeholders, built, launched and are hosting a dashboard CEASEFIRES IN A TIME OF COVID-19 to help better visualize the effect of Covid19 on peace process and conflict ceasefires declarations globally. It is a search and map portal with timeline, that has spatial information drawn in and plotted with associated meta-data on a world map.

More information about the dashboard can be found at ABOUT THE COVID19 CEASEFIRES DASHBOARD

Additionally we introduce: COVID TRACKER OF TRACKERS


Political Settlements Research Programme (PSRP), University of Edinburgh, acknowledges support of its funders, supported by the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), the Covid Collective is based at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS). The Collective brings together the expertise of, UK and Southern based research partner organisations and offers a rapid social science research response to inform decision-making on some of the most pressing Covid-19 related development challenges.

With the support of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND grant agreement No. 801215, TRAIN@Ed: 'Transnational Research And Innovation Network At Edinburgh’ and the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal Data-Driven Innovation Initiative.