STEM  Education 

Photo courtesy of AAUW 2019-20 Community Action Grantee Girls Inc. of Santa Fe

AAUW has a long history of opening doors for women and girls in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), from the classroom to Capitol Hill.

The STEM fields are rapidly becoming the most in-demand and lucrative in the world. Despite this demand, at almost every step of the STEM education path women and girls walk away. By middle school many girls are ambivalent toward these fields, and by the end of high school fewer girls than boys plan to pursue STEM studies in college. Women who do graduate with a STEM degree enter a workforce that is historically unfriendly to them. And from there stereotypes, gender bias, and the hostile climate of academic departments and workplaces continue to block women’s participation and advancement .


Our branch is actively developing programs to reach out in our local communities.  Join our branch to learn more about these efforts. 


Learn more about how AAUW at the National level promotes STEM.

These steps can help create a lifelong pathway of opportunity for girls & women in STEM.

We also fund innovative local STEM initiatives across the country through our Community Action Grants.

Who may apply: Individuals, AAUW branches and states, and nonprofit organizations to fund innovative programs or nondegree research projects that promote education and equity for women and girls


One-year grant, $2,000-$7,000

Two-year grant, $5,000-$10,000

Opens: August 1

Deadline: December 1