Other Interest and Social Groups

Questions: email membershipaauw@yahoo.com

Many groups are starting to meet now, 

in person outside or a few still on ZOOM  

Please note information below.

For details on any of the following groups - please refer to our newsletter


Connections Goal: Explores how we can open minds, find common ground with individuals and groups and develop ways to reach across the divide in our community. Our intent is to draft a process of how to connect women and people from different cultures. The resulting connections will promote both personal development and build a stronger community.

From a year of lively meetings and Roundtable discussions our interpretation of Connections has broadened. There is greater understanding of its two components: connecting and supporting. Connecting is building relationships by reaching out to others with a simple greeting or through a common interest. Supporting is action that strengthens and/or is the result of the relationship. Both build trust. 

We are usually meeting the 3rd Wednesday of the month.  Please refer to our newsletter for upcoming meetings and contact Rosie McVay to be added to email reminders. rosie@mcvay.com

 International themed luncheons

Lunches with an international flavor

Our International chair is asking our intrepid travelers to share experiences with a brief review of a destination and submitting it for our newsletter. Unique experiences, recent or from many years ago, are welcome.

We will carry these into themed lunches or potlucks. Various excursions around the Chicago area will be planned to explore  international venues or lunch locations on our doorstep. 

If you are interested in being on the email notification list, please contact our branch email:  membershipaauw@yahoo.com.

 Coffee-Tea Social Gathering

All AAUW members and friends are invited to attend our weekly gatherings and lively discussions

We are meeting inside 

Geneva Sr Center, 400 Wheeler Dr, Geneva IL 

9:30 AM every Tuesday

And for visitors, if you are interested in learning more about AAUW, please join us.

In order to be on the reminder email, please send an email to membershipaauw@yahoo.com 

and we will add you. 

Refer to our newsletter for up to date details.

 Local Exploration Field Trips 

Local Exploration Field Trips and/or lunches with an international flavor

Various excursions around the Chicago area will be planned to explore the international venues or lunch locations on our doorstep. If you are interested in being on the email notification list, please contact our branch email:  membershipaauw@yahoo.com.

A recent trips was a tour of the Hindu temple BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in Bartlett and the “Alebrijes: Creatures of a Dream World” at Cantigny.  Look for planned trips in our monthly newsletters.  However, due to timing limits, if you are interested, be sure to add your name to her email notifications.

Look for international themed luncheons during the colder months.

For full details on future trips see our most recent newsletter.


We meet the fourth Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm unless otherwise noted in our newsletter.  Participants will be notified of meetings by e-mail.   Refer to our newsletter for up to date details.

 Please contact membershipaauw@yahoo.com if you would like to be added to the email reminders. 

 Refer to newsletter for updates.

 Mah Jongg Group

 We continue to find a small but enthusiastic group of mah jongg players. We play once a month, and many of us are still learning this wonderful and challenging game.  If you’d like to learn more, or if you have questions, please refer to our newsletter for up to date details.

 Please contact membershipaauw@yahoo.com if you would like to be added to the email reminders. 

Refer to newsletter for updates.

 Winter Games Group

 We play once a month playing a variety of board or card games.  If you’d like to learn more, or if you have questions, please refer to our newsletter for up to date details.

 Please contact membershipaauw@yahoo.com if you would like to be added to the email reminders. 

Refer to newsletter for updates.

 Great Decisions 


The Great Decisions discussion group meets prior to monthly branch meetings when possible. The discussions on these subjects are sure to promote much thought.  Topics for Great Decision and more information.

 Please contact membershipaauw@yahoo.com if you would like to be added to the email reminders. 

Participants will be notified by email of scheduled meetings.

Refer to newsletter for updates.