Advocacy on Major Issues

AAUW Issues - What we do

AAUW’s policy work connects and rallies advocates at the local, state, national, and global levels to empower women and girls. With the member-voted Public Policy Priorities as our guide, AAUW uses lobbying and grassroots efforts to push forward policies that break through educational and economic barriers for women. Below we highlight our positions and advocacy on major issues.

To view letters, comments, testimony, and legal briefs, select one of the main images or policy themes below. If you’d like more information on our positions or advocacy efforts, choose one of the listed policies below or see AAUW’s Public Policy Priorities.

AND Take Action Now using our Two-Minute Activist - LINK

As a Two-Minute Activist, you will receive urgent email notices when your advocacy is needed most. We’ll provide all the tools you need to call or send messages to your members of Congress, write letters to the editor for your local newspapers, contact your state legislators about pressing issues, and more.

Target Issues We're Watching

The power of women is on full display as we welcome the first female Vice President, and a Presidential Cabinet with, of the 11 announced as of December 2020, 4 are female.

Maybe it’s that there are so many women in the Congress— the largest number in history — or because the candidates are eager to earn our support. Whatever the reason, the issues that matter most to us are finally getting attention.

Learn more about AAUW and the status of women in leadership. LINK.

As a non-partisan organization, AAUW doesn’t endorse specific candidates. But that doesn’t mean we’re not advocates for the policies that matter most to us.

These are 5 target areas:

Equal Pay for Equal Work Investing in Education Reducing Student Debt Strengthening Social Security

Implementing Paid Leave

4 Cornerstones of our Public Policy Priorities:

Civil Rights Issues

AAUW advocates for equality, individual rights, and social justice for a diverse society.

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Education Issues

AAUW supports a strong system of public education that promotes gender fairness, equity, and diversity.

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Economic Security Issues

AAUW advocates for all women to achieve economic self-sufficiency.

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Title IX Issues

AAUW supports vigorous enforcement of Title IX and all other civil rights laws pertaining to education.

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